Nepal bird reports in Tim and Carol Inskipp's Reference Collection
updated on: 19 March 2012
(Sharma) R. (2002) Bird diversity of Upper Mustang, Nepal.13pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2002_003.pdf
(Sharma), R. (2004a) Survey of birds of prey in Upper Mustang, Nepal. 27pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_003.pdf
(Sharma), R. (2004b) Survey of the Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) (Hardwicke, 1827) in lower Kali Gandaki valley,
Mustang, Nepal. Report to King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation,
Annapurna Conservation Area Project, Nepal; World Pheasant Association, UK;
School of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, Nepal. 43pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_005.pdf
Acharya, (Sharma), R. (2005) Report on Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) and Demoiselle Crane
(Grus virgo) conservation programme
in lower Mustang of Nepal. 13pp.
(Sharma) R. and Ghimirey, Y. (2009) Preliminary report on hunting and trade of
Eurasian Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) in Nepal. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2009_002.pdf
(Sharma), R., Thapa, S. and Ghimirey, Y. (2006) Monitoring of the Cheer
Pheasant Catreus wallichii in lower
Kaligandaki valley, Mustang, Nepal. Report to King Mahendra Trust for Nature
Conservation, Annapurna Conservation Area Project.17pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2006_002.pdf
Adhikari, R., Karmacharya, R.,
Adhikari, Y. and Sapkota, D. R. (2000) The birds of Barandbahar. Bird Education
Society. 11pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2000_003.pdf
Alstr¬öm, P. and Olsson, U.
(1983) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 1983.13pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1983_002.pdf
Andersen, U., Madsen,
P.-E. and Molgaard, E. (1986) Fugleiagttagelser
fra Nepal - Indien Vinteren 1984-85. Copenhagen: Dansk Ornitologisk
Forenings. 23pp.
Andrews, T. (1986) Notes on birds recorded in northern
India and Nepal, winter 1984–1985. 37pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1985_020.pdf
Anon. (1991a) Rare Bengal
Florican. Wildlife Nepal 12:2.
Newsletter of Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Nepal. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1991_001.pdf
Anon. (1991b) Status of big
waders. Wildlife Nepal 13:2.
Newsletter of Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Nepal. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1991_002.pdf
Aryal, A. (2004a) Status of
important wetlands of Rupandehi and Kapilvastu Districts of Nepal. A report
submitted to Bird Conservation Nepal. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_001.pdf
Aryal, A. (2004b) Preliminary
report on a survey of Sarus Crane Grus
antigone in Kapilvastu and Rupandehi districts between October and December
2003. Report to Oriental Bird Club, http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_008.pdf
Babbington, J. (1989) A report on the birds of
Nepal, March 13th – April 14th.11pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_006.pdf
Bailey, F. M. (1938) Register of bird specimens collected
in Nepal 1935–38, and presented to the British Museum (Natural History).
40pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1938_001.pdf
Baker, T. (1981a) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
1981. 30pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1981_002.pdf
Baker, T. (1981b) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
1981 cont. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1981_007.pdf
Baker, T. (1981c) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
1981 cont. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1981_012.pdf
Baker, T. (1983a) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, February
– March 1983. 9pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1983_005.pdf
Baker, T. (1983b) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, February
– March 1983. 9pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1983_006.pdf
I. (1990) Lake Rara National Park bird survey. Report to Department of National
Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Kathmandu. 45pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1990_003.pdf
H. S., Gurung, P. C., Kaul, R. and Ramesh, K. (2001) Santel Galliformes survey:
a possible extension of Pipar Pheasant Reserve, Annapurna Conservation Area,
central Nepal. Report to the World Pheasant Association (UK) and Annapurna
Conservation Area Project (Nepal). 22pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2001_003.pdf
Baral, N. and Gautam, R. (2006) Ecological monitoring of White-rumped
Vulture Gyps bengalensis in Rampur
valley, and Syanja and Tanahu districts of western Nepal. Final report to
Oriental Bird Club and The Peregrine Fund. 24pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2007_004.pdf
Barnes, L. J. (1989) Bird list
for Nepal, India and Malaysia, 27 October 1988 to 9 April 1989. 7pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_003.pdf
Basnet, Y. R.
(2008) Ornithological suvey of Dharan forests Important Bird Area, eastern
lowlands, Nepal. Field report. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2008_001.pdf
Y. R. and Sapkota, J. (2006) Ornithological survey of lower Mai-valley, Ilam,
eastern Nepal. A report to OBC, U.K, Bird Conservation Nepal. 31pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2006_003.pdf
Y. R. and Sapkota, J. (2008) Ornithological survey of Dharan Forests IBA,
eastern lowland Nepal. Report to Oriental Bird Club, U.K. 32pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2008_002.pdf
Y. R., Tamang, B. and Gautam, B. (2005) Bird diversity and their habitat status
at Raja Rani Community Forest, Bhogteny, Morang, Nepal. Final report to
Oriental Bird Club 2005, Bird Conservation Nepal. 37pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2005_001.pdf
Bauer, C.-A. (1986) Birds and
mammals seen on 'Skof' tour to India and Nepal, April - May 1986. 17pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1986_001.pdf
Bensch, S. (1982) Two weeks
bird‑watching in Nepal, late January ‑ early February 1982. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1982_001.pdf
Berg, A. B. van den and
Bosman, C. A. W. (1976) List of birds observed in Nepal, April 1976. 8pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1976_002.pdf
K. (1997) Naturetrek 15-21 February 1997. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1997_008.pdf
Bijlsma, R. (1984) Nest-building in Bonelli's Eagle
Hieraaetus fasciatus in October in
Nepal. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1984_003.pdf
Conservation Data Project Team (1994) Supplementary copy of final report.
Appendix, Volume 1 Annapurna Conservation Area Biodiversity Conservation Data
Project. King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation, Pokhara. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_005.pdf
Biswas, B. (1960) Zoological results of the 'Daily Mail'
Himalayan Expedition 1954. Notes on some birds from Khumbu, Eastern Nepal. 5pp.
Blanchon, J.-J. and Dubois, P. J. (1987) Voyage au
Nepal Mars 1987. A birdwatching report. 30pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1987_001.pdf
J. D. (1994) Man and Makalu project. Second tri-annual project report to
Yosemite Center for Wildlife Conservation. 27pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/0000_002.pdf
Bolding, J. and Jorgensen, T. (1987) List of birds recorded in Nepal and
India, October 1986 – January 1987. 4pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1987_002.pdf
Bose, A. K., Curson, J. and
Jarman, N. (1989) Report on birds in some national parks and other areas of
special interest in India and Nepal, 1988/1989. 48pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_005.pdf
Bowden, C. (1979) Bird records from Nepal; Appendix in
Rands, M. University of East Anglia Expedition 1978/79. 31pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1979_005.pdf
BrŠunlich, A. and Oehlschlaeger, S. (1992) Notes on birds recorded in
Nepal, March/April 1992.1pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1993_002.pdf
Brearey, D. M. and Pritchard, D. E. (1985) Birds
and other wildlife of Lake Rara National Park, northwest Nepal. Saipal 82–83.
Report No. 3.15pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1983_001.pdf
A. (2000) Dusky Thrush and other highlights from Nepal.1p. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2000_006.pdf
M. (1992) Details of Black-capped Kingfisher record. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1992_001.pdf
N. (2003) Birds seen in Nepal, 8th December 2002 – 2nd
January 2003. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2002_002.pdf
Brodie Good, J. (1988) Nepal
10 Feb. – 15 March 1988. Birdwatching report.11pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1988_001.pdf
T. (1995) Bird data for Kanchenjunga region, fall 1984 and spring 1995. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1995_002.pdf
S. (1996) Kanchenjunga 26/10-18/11/1996. Bird list. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_003.pdf
Buckton, S. and Morris, P. (1990) India and Nepal,
December 1989 to June 1990.19pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1990_001.pdf
S. T. and Baral, H. S. (1995) Birds seen on a trek along the Arun Khola and
into the Barun Valley, Nepal. 8pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1995_003.pdf
Buckton, S. and Morris, P. (1990) India and Nepal,
December 1989 to June 1990.19pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1990_001.pdf
Byrne, D. (2000) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
2000. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2000_002.pdf
Byrne, R. W. and Harris, S. M. (1975) Skeletal report of
birds and mammals seen during September – November 1975 in Nepal.10pp.
Calladine, J. (1985) Nepal and
India. Notes on birds and mammals recorded, 18 October 1984 - 16 February 1985.16pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1984_002.pdf
Carpenter, C., Bauer, K. and
Nepal, R. (1995) Report on the flora and fauna of the Kanchenjunga region. Spring
1995. Wildlands Study Program, San Francisco State University. WWF Nepal
Program. Report Series 14. WWF Nepal Program: Kathmandu. 26pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1995_005.pdf
Carpenter, C., Ghimire, S. and
Brown, T. (1994) Report on the flora and fauna of the Kanchenjunga region.
Wildlands Study Program, San Francisco State University. WWF Nepal Program.
Report Series 14. WWF Nepal Program: Kathmandu. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_004.pdf
Chaudhary, D. B. (2004) Notable bird records from
Tiger Tops area, Royal Chitwan National Park, 1999-2004. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_007.pdf
Chaudhary, H. (1997) Notable bird records of
eastern Nepal, November 1996 – April 1997. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1997_001.pdf
H. (2003a) Nepal – a birdwatching tour, 15-23 February 2003. 34pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2003_002.pdf
H. (2003b) Nepal – the Ibisbill trek, May 2003.10pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2003_001.pdf
H. (2004) Nepal – the Ibisbill trek, May 2004. 9pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2004_002.pdf
H. (2006) Langtang valley trek, 5-13 April 2006. 3pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2006_001.pdf
H. (2007a) Langtang valley and Gosainkunda Lake trek, 18 April – 6 May
2007.14pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2007_003.pdf
H. (2007b) Christmas tour (Nepal) 21-31 December 2007.17pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2007_002.pdf
H. (2009) Splendours of Nepal. 20 November- 13 December 2009. 12pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2009_001.pdf
Chaudhary, R. (2004) One more species for Chitwan.1p.
Choudhary, H. (1995) Makalu-Barun National Park and
Conservation Area bird list, 15 May to 2 June 1995. 7pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1995_004.pdf
Clements, A. and Bradbear, N. (1981) Systematic
list of species seen in Nepal and India, November – December 1981. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1981_001.pdf
Clugston, D. L. (1985) A
checklist of the birds and mammals seen in Nepal from 8 – 30 March 1985. 13pp.
Cocker, M. (1996) Langtang
trek report, 10-26 May 1996. 7pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_004.pdf
Collins, A. R. and Thomas, R. (1986) Notes on birds
recorded in Nepal, November 1984 – February 1985. 7pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1986_002.pdf
Collins, T. and Constantine, D. (2000) Winter
records of KesslerÕs Thrush and Eurasian Blackbird from Sagarmatha National
Park, Nepal 1996, 1998 and 1999/2000.1p. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2000_005.pdf
Collins, T. and Grindle, M. (2000) Vulture records
from Sagarmatha area, winter 1995/96. 1997/98 and 1999/2000. 4pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_005.pdf
Collins, T. and Grindle, M. (2002) Vultures
observed in Annapurna Conservation Area 2000-2002.1p.
Conder, P. J. (1978) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
February ‑ March 1978. 11pp.
Cooper, R. (1980) The breeding
of Fire-tailed Sunbird in Rolwaling.1p.
Cooper, R. (1990) Water Rails
at Koshi Tappu. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1990_002.pdf
G. B. (1974) Birds recorded on the RAF Dhaulagiri Expedition, March – May
1974. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1974_001.pdf
Cottridge, D., Giri, T. and Kightley, C. (1994) Birds recorded in Nepal, Limosa
tour 13-25 February 1994.12pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_001.pdf
Couronne, B. and Kovacs, J.-C.
(1986) Observations ornithologiques au Nepal, Fevrier – Mars 1986. 25pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1986_003.pdf
J. (2005) Gee whiz! HodgsonÕs Hawk Cuckoo Hierococcyx
fugax nisicolor in the Sisuwa and Sankhuwa river valleys, Makalu-Barun
National Park buffer zone. J.Nat.Hist.Mus.22:159-163.
J. H. (1999) An assessment of habitats
and human interaction in the Hinkhu, Hongu, Kasuwa and Barun Kholas of
Makalu-Barun National Park and peripheral areas. 19 April -24 June 1995 and
4-13 November 1996. The Mountain Institute, The Makalu-Barun Conservation
Project, Mount Everest Ecosystem Conservation Program and Department of
National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, HMG Nepal.105pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_006.pdf
J. H. (2008) Rapid assessment of critical habitat, birds and human interaction
in Kapilvastu and Dang Deukhuri Districts, Nepal. 29 October – 14
November 2006 and 16 April – 4 May 2007. Summary report to WWF-Nepal
Terai Arc Landscape Programme (TAL) and Bird Conservation Nepal. 33pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2007_001.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1978) Avian
jottings for Nepal, 1978.14pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1978_001.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1984) Further
notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 1976-1984.15pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1984_001.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1985a) Birds of
the Rara-Jumla area, west Nepal. 1976-1984.12pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1985_002.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1985b) Partial
checklist of birds recorded within Rara Lake National Park, Nepal, May 1985. 5pp.
Cox, J. Jr (1985c) Selected
notes from a brief avian survey of Royal Bardia Wildlife Reserve and periphery,
west Nepal during November 1985.17pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1985_003.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1985d) A note on Black-headed Munia Lonchura Malacca in west Nepal.1p.
Cox, J. Jr (1988) A note on
treecreeper Certhiidae nesting in west Nepal. 2pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1985_004.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1989) Birds
observed in the south-east terai, Nepal, 12 - 26 February 1989. 42pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_002.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1992) East Nepal
birdquest and forest habitat assessment, November – December 1992. 70pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1992_002.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (1995) Birds
observed from Dharan to Koshi Barrage, Sunishari District, Nepal, June 1995. 8pp.
Cox, J. Jr (1996) Birds
observed on a Trans-Khumbu trek, 7 October – 12 November 1996. 44pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_001.pdf
J. Jr (1999) Birds recorded on a west-central Nepal trek.79pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2000_001.pdf
Cox, J. Jr (2003) W-C
Nepal 2003, bird notes, 14 April – 6 July 2003.154 pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2003_004.pdf
J. H. Jr (2009a) Notes on birds recorded in the Arun, Pikhuwa, Apsuwa and
Sankhura Kholas, east Nepal, 30 April – 10 June 2009.160pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2009_003.pdf
Cox, J. H. Jr (2009b) Additional records of
Black-chinned Yuhina in Makalu Barun National Park buffer zone. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/2009_003.pdf
Cox, S., Cox, P., Loud, P. and
Brown, G. (1989) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 12 – 31 March 1989. 12pp.
Curry‑Lindahl, K. (1979)
Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 1979. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1979_001.pdf
Dahmer, T. A. (1976a)
Occurrence of the Dusky Horned Owl in Kosi Tappu. Nepal Nature Conservation Society Newsletter No. 35, November 1976.
Dahmer, T. A. (1976b) Birds of Kosi Tappu Reserve. 2pp.
Danielsen, F. and Falk, K. (1993) Koshi Tappu
Wildlife Reserve and Koshi Barrage Boat survey 6-7 February 1993. 3pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1993_001.pdf
Dannenberg, R. (1999) Beobachtungsliste Nepal 1999.
Birdwatching report.10pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1999_001.pdf
Daulne, J-M. and Goblet, C. (1996) Nepal, bird report,
March 1996. 25pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1996_002.pdf
A. and Ewins, P. (1981) Bird watching in Nepal, 7th December 1980 – 19th
February 1981.14pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1981_006.pdf
N. (1996) Survey of river birds of the Narayani River, Royal Chitwan National
Park, Nepal, December 1995 to February 1996. Report to Oriental Bird Club, UK. 25pp.
Dodman, T. (1989a) An investigation into the status and
conservation requirements of evergreen forests and their avifauna in eastern
Nepal, including Kosi Tappu Wildlife Reserve. 38pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_007.pdf
Dodman, T. (1989b) Investigation of Swamp Francolin Francolinus gularis and other birds,
Kosi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and Kosi Barrage. 4pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1989_004.pdf
R. (1995) India and Nepal, February 1992, December 1993–May 1994,
January–May 1995. A birdwatching report.
Dymond, J. N. (1986) Selected bird list, Nepal, February
– March 1986.
Dymond, J. N. and Thorpe, R. I. (1980) Notes on birds
recorded in Nepal, February 1980. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1980_006.pdf
Eadson, T. (1993) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 1993.
Eames, J. (1982) Notes
on birds recorded in Nepal, 1982. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1982_010.pdf
Ebels, E. B. (1986)
Ornithological records during a trip to Russia, Japan, Thailand, Nepal and
India, August - December 1985. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1985_007.pdf
Fairbank, R. J. (1980) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
November 1979 – January 1980. 22pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1980_005.pdf
Fairbank, R. J. (1982) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal, 1982. 8pp.
Falk, K. (1994) Birds recorded in Koshi Tappu
Wildlife Reserve. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_002.pdf
Flack, M. (1993) Notes on
birds recorded in Nepal, April 1993. 5pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_003.pdf
Fletcher, B. S. (1994) Birds recorded during the
Annapurna circuit trek in Nepal, 1994. 9pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1994_007.pdf
Fouarge, J. P. (1993) List of
the birds observed in Nepal from 23/12/92 to 26/2/93. 24pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1993_003.pdf
Francis, T., Page, D., Wheeldon, A. and Williams, N.
(1999) Satire, Tragopans, and one pair of underparts: trekking in Nepal 1999.
Gaasbeck, H. (1988) Nepal from
26.3.88 to 10.5.88. A birdwatching report.14pp. http://archivenepal.s3.amazonaws.com/digitalhimalaya/collections/inskipp/1988_002.pdf
Gantlett, S. J. M. (1981) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
November 1981.
Gardiner, S. (1990) Notes on birds recorded in Nepal,
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