
The Raven is a socio-political and current affairs magazine with an active website. It focuses on social justice by giving voice to those living on the fringes of Bhutanese society in an attempt to influence policy and political decisions in Bhutan. Sonam Ongmo is Editor-at-Large. Digital Himalaya is delighted to have been asked to host and archive back issues in PDF format. On account of the compression format we have used for the PDF files, we advise that you install the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat which can be downloaded by clicking here. Please send us a short email to say whether this service is of interest and utility to you.

The Raven
10Volume 1, Number 10, November-December 20135.8 MB
09Volume 1, Number 9, September-October 20135.8 MB
08Volume 1, Number 8, July-August 20137.8 MB
07Volume 1, Number 7, May-June 20137.9 MB
06Volume 1, Number 6, April 20134.6 MB
05Volume 1, Number 5, March 20134.2 MB
04Volume 1, Number 4, February 20139.0 MB
03Volume 1, Number 3, January 20134.3 MB
02Volume 1, Number 2, November-December 20123.1 MB
01Volume 1, Number 1, October 20124.4 MB