Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines
Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines is a twice-yearly (October and April) journal published by the UMR 8155 (CRCAO) of the CNRS, Paris. The Director of the RET is Dr Jean-Luc Achard, and the editorial board includes Drs. Alice Travers (CNRS) and Charles Ramble (EPHE).
All contributions are peer-reviewed and may be submitted to the editors
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to read an introduction to the journal in French.
Index of Authors: click here
Index of Contents: click here
Number 75, Mars 2025, New Directions and Emergent Conversations in Tibetan Studies
- Full text (2.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (130 kb)
- Sixth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists Keynote Address: What Tibetan Studies Academics Can Learn from the Tibetan Traditional Education System and Vice-Versa (148 kB, pp. 5-12)
author: Ngawang Sonam - One Desires You, One Cries: A Taxonomy of Female Disciples in Great Perfection (rdzogs chen) (257 kB, pp. 13-33)
author: Kali Nyima Cape - An Article on Articles: Tibetan Debate and Translation (270 kB, pp. 34-52)
author: Jed Forman and Losang Donyo - Dispatches to the Spirit World: Orality, Literacy, and Power in Tibetan Letters to Gods and Oracles (208 kB, pp. 53–68)
author: Christina A. Kilby - Zhulen (Zhus lan) as Scripture: Authenticating Treasure in Medieval Tibet with Narratives (337 kb, pp. 69-92)
author: Jue Liang - Hearing Goddesses in Rivers: Contemplative Design and Religious Experience in the Great Perfection (236 kB, pp. 93-113)
author: Adam Liddle - The Dmyal gling rdzogs pa chen po, Social Kinds, and the Boundaries of Buddhism in Tibet (249 kB, pp. 114-133)
author: Natasha L. Mikles - Grags pa rgyal mtshan’s Case for Bowing to a Lay Lama (221 kB, pp. 134-148)
author: John Pickens - Did Gene Smith Invent Ris med?: The Dialogic Emergence of Tibetan Buddhist Pluralism in the 20th Century (289 kB, pp. 150-183)
author: Andrew S. Taylor - The Tibetan Diaspora and the Digital Landscape: Voices of Pluralistic and Decentralized Narratives (208 kB, pp. 187-208)
author: Tenzing Wangdak - “Lamaism is Not Buddhism!” — Public Criticism as a Catalyst for Localizing Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan (359 kB, pp. 209-232)
author: Eben Yonnetti - The Chapter on the Theory of the Elements (’byung ba’i gnas) in Klong chen pa’s Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (Theg mchog mdzod) (250 kB, pp. 233-254)
author: Devin Zuckerman
Number 74, Février 2025, From Print to Pixels: Building Digital Tools for Modern Tibetan Textual Analysis
- Full text (10.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (314 kb)
- Assembling a Digital Toolkit: An Introduction to Text-mining for Modern Tibetan (986 kB, pp. 5-43)
author: Robert Barnett and James Engels - The Divergent Discourses Corpus: A Digital Collection of Early Tibetan Newspapers of the 1950s and 1960s (931 kB, pp. 44-80)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard - Enhanced ATR Accuracy for Tibetan Historical Texts: Optimising Image Pre-processing for Improved Transcription Quality (2.6 mb, pp. 81-127)
author: Christina Sabbagh - Text and Layout Recognition for Tibetan Newspapers with Transkribus (2.1 mb, pp. 128–171)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard - Foreign Names and Places in Tibetan Newspapers of the 1950s and 1960s (580 kb, pp. 172-186)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard und Xiaoying 笑影 - Leveraging Large Language Models in Low-resourced Language NLP: A spaCy Implementation for Modern Tibetan (1.3 mb, pp. 187-220)
author: Yuki Kyogoku, Franz Xaver Erhard, James Engels, and Robert Barnett - Religious Policy in the TAR, 2014–24: Topic Modelling a Tibetan-Language Corpus with BERTopic (1.1 mb, pp. 221-260)
author: Ronald Schwartz and Robert Barnett - Developing a Semantic Search Engine for Modern Tibetan (0.7 mb, pp. 261-283)
author: James Engels and Robert Barnett - The Tibet Mirror, “Friends” of Tibet, and the Internationalisation of the Tibet Question (0.7 mb, pp. 284-328)
author: Natalia Mikhailova
Number 73, Octobre 2024
- Full text (1.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (153 kb)
- Political and Economic Geographies across the Eastern Himalayas: The Cost of Cross-Border Transportation in the 1940s-50s Kalimpong (584 kB, pp. 5-45)
author: Lucia Galli - The Bheda’s Pony — Horse breeding, castration, and trade in Spiti in the 18th–20th centuries (1.1 mb, pp. 46-103)
author: Yannick Laurent - Newly discovered rock paintings from Berinag (Uttarakhand, India) as mythograms (1 mb, pp. 104-123)
author: Maheshwar P. Joshi, Tarun Mahara, Vijay Bahuguna, Suresh C. Tamta, Piyush Bhatt, M.M. Joshi, C.P. Fuloria - Is there Beer in Tuṣita? Dialogue with the Fourth Karma pa, Rol pa’i rdo rje (1340–1383), about his Intermediate State (bar do) (331 kb, pp. 124-151)
author: Dominik Dell - Unfrozen Dragon: National Ethos and Identity in Bhutan as Constructed in Musical Performances at National Ceremonies (396 kb, pp. 152-171)
author: Yanfang Liou - Inner Asian Clans in Early Tibet and their Place in the Nyingmapa and Bon Traditions (236 kb, pp. 172-189)
author: Todd Gibson - Compte-rendu de “Deroche, Marc-Henri, Une Quête tibétaine de la sagesse: Prajñāraśmi (1518–1584) et l’attitude impartiale (ris med) (152 kb, pp. 190-196)
author: Andrew S. Taylor - Compte-rendu de “Cameron Bailey and Aleksandra Wenta (eds.), Tibetan Magic: Past and Present (143 kb, pp. 197-204)
author: Per Kværne - Compte-rendu de “Travers, Alice, Peter Schwieger and Charles Ramble, eds., Taxation in Tibetan Societies (231 kb, pp. 205-213)
author: Christian Jahoda
Number 72, Juillet 2024, Proceedings of the IATS 2022 Panel
- Full text (1.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (153 kb)
- Breakthroughs in Tibetan NLP & Digital Humanities (1.8 MB, pp. 5-25)
author: Marieke Meelen, Sebastian Nehrdich, & Kurt Keutzer - Norbu Ketaka: Auto-Correcting BDRC’s E-Text Corpora Using Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision Methods (8.7 mb, pp. 26-42)
author: Queenie Luo, Leonard W.J. van der, Kuijp - Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) for Tibetan Manuscripts in Cursive Script (6 mb, pp. 43-51)
author: Rachael M. Griffiths - A Universal Dependency Treebank for Classical Tibetan (444 kb, pp. 52-69)
author: Christian Faggionato - NLP for Readability, Graded Literature, & Materials Development in Tibetan (374 kb, pp. 70-85)
author: Dirk Schmidt
Number 71, Juin 2024, Tibet and the Oirats — The Oirat Legacy and the Origins of Tibetology
- Full text (10.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (154 kb)
- Foreword (148 kb, pp. 5-9)
author: Alexander Zorin & Charles Ramble - Documents from the National Library of France related to the first Tibetan manuscripts in Europe and early Russian-French academic relations (905 kb, pp. 13-32)
author: Alla Sizova, Emanuela Garatti, & Nathalie Monnet - Ten demystified folios from Ablai-kit (6.3 mb, pp. 33-92)
author: Alexander Zorin & Charles Ramble - The samples of folios from Sem Palat and Ablai-kit preserved at the Hunterian Library of the University of Glasgow (4.2 mb, pp. 93-189)
author: Alexander Zorin, Anna Turanskaya, & Agnieszka Helman-Ważny - Codex Renatus Lincopensis” and two other Tibetan and Mongolian folios preserved in the Linköping City Library (1.1 mb, pp. 190-217)
author: Alexander Zorin, Anna Turanskaya, & Vadim Borodaev - Review of the book: Dmitry Ivanov. Buddiiskie kollektsii Kunstkamery [Buddhist Collections of the Kunstkamera]. Saint Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, RAS, 2021 (390 kb, pp. 218-229)
author: Alexander Zorin - Official documents in Mongolian language relating to the Fifth Dalai Lama’s visit to Beijing in 1652–1653 (327 kb, pp. 233-254)
author: Vladimir Uspensky - Sumpa Khenpo Yeshe Peljor and his ‘History of Kokonor’ (260 kb, pp. 255-277)
author: Irina Garri, Yumzhana Zhabon, & Hortsang Jigme - Lamas and Oirat migrations: religion and the exodus of Kalmyks’ main part in 1771 (352 kb, pp. 278-314)
author: Baatr Kitinov - Letter of Ubashi Khan from Labrang Monastery in the light of Tibetan sources on the relationship of Kalmyks with spiritual hierarchs (967 kb, pp. 315-342)
author: Bembya Mitruev - A brief survey of the monuments of the Kalmyk spiritual culture in the Kyiv collections of Ukraine (4.5 mb, pp. 345-392)
author: Olena Ogneva
Number 70, Avril 2024
- Full text (6.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (116 kb)
- Kamalaśīla’s Word Commentary to the Heart Sūtra, Translation and Edition (723 kb, pp. 5-82)
author: James B. Apple - Stairway from Heaven: Account of the Intermediate State (bar do’i rnam thar) of the Fourth Karma pa, Rol pa’i rdo rje (1340–1383) (300 kb, pp. 83-100)
author: Dominik Dell - A lag sha Ngag dbang bstan dar (1759-after August 1, 1840) on some Chinese Lexemes and the Chinese Language, Part Two (477 kb, pp. 101-137)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp - Our Tents Sometimes Vibrated with Roaring Laughter”: The Ernst Schaefer Tibet Expedition 1938-1939 (344 kb, pp. 138-179)
author: Roger Croston - Compte-rendu de : Michael Farmer, An Atlas of the Tibetan Plateau (89 kb, pp. 180-182)
author: Cathy Cantwell - Compte-rendu de Per Kværne and Dan Martin, Drenpa’s Proclamation, The Rise and Decline of the Bön Religion in Tibet (186 kb, pp. 183-190)
author: Dylan Esler - Compte-rendu de Christoph Cüppers, Karl-Heinz Everding, and Peter Schwieger, eds., A Life in Tibetan Studies: Festschrift for Dieter Schuh at the Occasion of his 80th Birthday (158 kb, pp. 191-196)
author: Per Kværne - Compte-rendu de Travers, Alice, Peter Schwieger and Charles Ramble, eds., Taxation in Tibetan Societies: Rules, Practices and Discourses (170 kb, pp. 197-202)
author: Per Kværne
Number 69, Mars 2024, New Research on the Mi la ras pa Biographical Compendia
- Full text (6.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (316 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Foreword (102 kb, pp. v-vi)
- Life and Songs of the Glorious Laughing Vajra, The “bZhad pa’i rDo rje Compendia (720 kb, pp. 7-48)
author: Kristin Blancke - Groping in the Dark Treasury. Exploring the Mi la bZhad pa’i rdo rje Compendia in light of a most peculiar manuscript (357 kb, pp. 49-156)
author: Etienne Bock - Appendixes (797 kb, pp. 157-223)
Number 68, Janvier 2024 - For A Critical History of the Northern Treasures — II
- Full text (6.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (150 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Introduction — Northern Treasures: Lives and Deities — Fort a Critical History of the Northern Treasures II (182 kb, pp. 5-13)
author: Stéphane Arguillère, Cécile Ducher, Jean-Luc Achard - A Brief Note on the Northern Treasures of the Bon Tradition (346 kb, pp. 16-35)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Feats of an eclectic Bon po master: dByil ston Khyung rgod rtsal’s ‘das log journey and gter ma rediscoveries (357 kb, pp. 36-68)
author: Roberto Vitali - A King of Dharma Forgotten on the Jewel Island: Was Me ban Chos rgyal Rin chen gling pa Rig ’dzin rGod ldem’s rDzogs chen Master? (How Half of the mKha’ ’gro snying thig Got Included in the dGongs pa zang thal) (795 kb, pp. 69-147)
author: Stéphane Arguillère - A Preliminary Analysis of the Prophetic Guides and Concealment Narratives of the Northern Treasure Tradition (246 kb, pp. 148-162)
author: Jay Holt Valentine - The significance of the Byang gter in the Life and Legacy of Thang stong rgyal po (549 kb, pp. 163-191)
author: Cécile Ducher - From Rāhula with Love: The Gruesome Liberation of Zhing shag pa Tshe brtan rdo rje as Told by his Compassionate Executioner (270 kb, pp. 192-205)
author: Simon Martin - Reflection on the Dzungar Persecution of the rNying ma School of Tibetan Buddhism in the 18th Century, Focusing on Its Causes and the Scale of the Destruction (417 kb, pp. 206-248)
author: Tenpa Tsering Batsang - Biography and Historiography: The Fifth rDo rje brag Rig ’dzin sKal bzang Padma dbang phyug (1720–1771) and His Travels (443 kb, pp. 249-278)
author: Franz-Karl Ehrhard - ’Khor gdong Monastery ’ja’ lus pa Lama sGrib bral (1946-2018) (673 kb, pp. 279-293)
author: Varvara Chatzisavva - Yamāntaka Among the Ancients: Mañjuśrī Master of Life in Context (909 kb, pp. 294-380)
author: Stéphane Arguillère - Favorable Ferocity: The Byang gter Rites that Invoke the Wrathful Deity Khro chu dug sdong (470 kb, pp. 381-404)
author: Amanda Brown - Divine Visions at the Last Breaths: A Creative Teaching on Dying in Rig ’dzin rGod ldem’s Great Perfection Anthology (251 kb, pp. 405-425)
author: Katarina Turpeinen - Section X2 of the Phyi nang gsang ba'i tshe sgrub: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the bsKul zhing gsol 'debs (505 kb, pp. 426-453)
author: Kanako Shinga - gNyan chen Thang lha and his Three Vows in Byang gter (372 kb, pp. 454-490)
author: Yuewei Wang - The Great Yakṣa of bSam yas: Ngag gi dbang po and the Tsi’u dmar po Oracle (335 kb, pp. 491-522)
author: Christopher Bell
Number 67, Octobre 2023
- Full text (4.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (146 kb, pp. i-iv)
- ‘Dul ba dpe ris: Didactic art on temple architecture in the dGe lugs tradition (3 MB, pp. 5-44)
author: Shiriin Barakzai - The Tibetan-Italian-Tibetan Dictionary of Fr. Orazio della Penna (1680–1745): An Untapped Resource for the History of Tibetan Language, Society and Early Buddhist-Christian Interreligious Contacts (714 kb, pp. 45-68)
author: Federica Venturi - Changing Bodies Seven Times: Padampa Sangyé’s Pacifying Tradition and the Birth of the Maṇi Pill (1.1 MB, pp. 69-153)
author: James Gentry - The Hundred Jātakas (sKyes rab brgya pa) by Āryaśūra (c. 4th cent. CE) and the Third Karma pa, Rang ’byung rdo rje (1284–1339): Overview of the Xylograph Editions (615 kb, pp. 154-191)
author: Dominik Dell, Bruno Galasek-Hul, & Lajos Dömötör - Stepping-Stones magazine – from studies of Buddhism in the Eastern Himalayas to the perspectives of the philosophy of perennialism (215 kb, pp. 192-208)
author: Denis A. Korablin - Compte-rendu de : Franz Xaver Erhard and Thomas Wild, Drumze — Metamorphoses of the Tibetan Carpet (120 kb, pp. 209-212)
author: Amy Heller - Compte-rendu de : John Harrison, Mustang Building: Tibetan Temples and Vernacular Architecture in Nepal Himalaya (152 kb, pp. 213-217)
author: Mark Aldenderfer - Compte-rendu de : John Vincent Bellezza, Besting the Best: Warriors and Warfare in the Cultural and Religious Traditions of Tibet (168 kb, pp. 218-225)
author: Per Kværne
Number 66, Avril 2023
- Full text (6.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (146 kb, pp. i-iv)
- “Moonstone Water-Crystal Mālā”: Structure and Textual Witnesses of the Golden Garland of the Karma bKa brgyud by the Eighth Si tu, Chos kyi ’byung gnas (1699/1700–1774), and ’Be lo Tshe dbang kun khyab (1718–1790) (768 kb, pp. 5-67)
author: Dominik Dell - ‘A Female Body is fortunate’: Comparing Kun tu bzang mo’s Songs with the Songs of gTsang smyon Heruka (316 kb, pp. 68-93)
author: Stefan Larsson - “May it Meet with a Karmically Destined Mahākāruṇika Yogin!”— Ratna Lingpa’s Renewal of the Maṇi-Pill Tradition in Fifteenth Century Tibet (821 kb, pp. 94-229)
author: James Gentry - One More Saint Petersburg Manuscript of the Collection of Songs by the 6th Dalai Lama: Text (1.7 MB, pp. 230-295)
author: Alexander Zorin - The Translation of the Two Manuscript Versions of the Collection of the Sixth Dalai Lama’s Songs Preserved in Saint Petersburg (2.6 MB, pp. 296-375)
author: Alexander Zorin - Corrupted, Reconstructed and Forgotten, The Third Karmapa’s Comprise Verses (bsTan bcos) on the Saddharmasmṛtyupathāna and the bsTan bcos’ *ṭīkā by Shes rab Rin chen (1.5 MB, pp. 376-423)
author: Julian Schott - Atiśa’s System of Twenty-One Tārās (366 kb, pp. 424-463)
author: James B. Apple - Polemical Abhidharma: The Eighth Karmapa’s Abhidharmakośa Commentary’s Unique Characteristics, Context, and Reception (456 kb, pp. 464-490)
author: Dorjee Wangdi - Tibetans, Mongols, and Manchus: Factionalism and Shifting Power Dynamics in Early Eighteenth Century Tibet (526 kb, pp. 491-538)
author: Kunsang Thokmay
Number 65, Octobre 2022
- Full text (3.1 MB)
- Cover, contents (186 kb, pp. i-iv)
- The Zurkhang (zur khang; Adjunct House) in 1950s Kyidron (884 kb, pp. 5-25)
author: Geoff Childs - The Transmission Lineages of the Raktayamāri Tantric Cycles in the Sa skya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism: The Gshin rje chos ’byung of A mes zhabs Ngag dbang kun dga’ bsod nams (1597–1659) (475 kb, pp. 26-69)
author: Aleksandra Wenta - The salt trips in Tibet and the Himalayas: extraction and trade in pre-modern times (329 kb, pp. 70-103)
author: Santiago Lazcano - The Place of Dan ’bag pa sMra ba’i seng ge in the Tibetan Epistemological Tradition (280 kb, pp. 104-126)
author: Jonathan Stoltz - Against Pilgrimage: Materiality, Place, and Ambivalence in Tibetan Pilgrimage Literature (428 kb, pp. 127-158)
author: Catherine Hartmann - Empty Iridescent Spheres. Notes on the Metaphysics of Light in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist Tantric Sources (375 kb, pp. 159-186)
author: Giacomella Orofino - Compte-rendu de Cuevas, J. Bryan. The Rwa Pod and Other ‘Lost’ Works of Rwa Lo tsā ba’s Vajrabhairava Tradition (183 kb, pp. 187-193)
author: Aleksandra Wenta - Compte-rendu de Hartmut Walravens, Agnes Stache-Weiske. Der Linguist Anton Schiefner (1817–1879) und sein Netzwerk (169 kb, pp. 194-199)
author: Alexander Zorin - Compte-rendu de Karine Gagné. Caring for Glaciers, Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas (104 kb, pp. 200-202)
author: Patrick Kaplanian - Compte-rendu de Christian Jahoda et Christiane Kalantari. Early West Tibetan Buddhist Monuments. Architecture, Art, History and Texts (135 kb, pp. 203-206)
author: Patrick Kaplanian
Number 64, Juillet 2022 - From Khyung lung to Lhasa, A Festschrift for Dan Martin
- Full text (13.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (201 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Preface (171 kb, pp. v-xii)
author: Jonathan Silk & Leonard van der Kuijp - Erroneous Conceptions Frequently Shared about New Bon (Bon gsar) (261 kb, pp. 1-17)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Antecedents of Bon, On rMa Folks and the Origins of gShen Ritual Specialists (298 kb, pp. 18-44)
author: Henk Blezer - A Short Text on the Four Phurpas attributed to Padmasambhava, passed down through the Transmitted Teachings (bka’ ma) (259 kb, pp. 45-56)
author: Cathy Cantwell - The Treasure Discoverer from Dwags-po: Two Texts on the Life of Chos-rje gling-pa (1682–1720) (330 kb, pp. 57-83)
author: Franz-Karl Ehrhard - Why Did the Cannibal King Fly? Tantric Transformations of an Indian Narrative in Tibet (522 kb, pp. 84-135)
author: James Gentry - The lion of Gung thang, A historical-ethnographic note on Tshal Gung thang (1.4 MB, pp. 136-160)
author: Guntram Hazod - An Early Maṇḍala of Cakrasaṃvara (675 kb, pp. 161-170)
author: Amy Heller - The Politico-Religious Meanings of the Potala Palace’s White and Red Palaces (388 kb, pp. 171-193)
author: Ishihama Yumiko - The Elusive American Tibetologist in Gendun Chöphel’s Life: “The First White Lama” (Theos Bernard) and Their Dream of Tibetland, California (4 MB, pp. 194-264)
author: David Jackson - Tibetan Legal Geography: Situating Legal Texts, Situating Sacred Tibet (331 kb, pp. 265-289)
author: Berthe Jansen - From Metaphor to Commentary and from Commentary to Catechism: The Formation of a Bon po Scriptural Corpus and Its Authentication (294 kb, pp. 290-306)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - Studies in Btsun pa Ston gzhon’s Pramāṇavārttika Commentary of 1297 Part Two(a): ‘U yug pa Rigs pa’i seng ge (ca. 1195–after 1267) (394 kb, pp. 307-343)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp - C.A. Holmboe (1796-1882): The First Norwegian Scholar of Buddhism (179 kb, pp. 344-351)
author: Per Kværne - The Transmission of Information and Knowledge in the Early Qing Dynasty and the Activation of the Tibet-Khams Channel (877 kb, pp. 352-367)
author: Li Zhiying - Indian nidhi, Tibetan gter ma, Guru Chos dbang, and a Kriyātantra on Treasure Doors: Rethinking Treasure (part two) (860 kb, pp. 368-446)
author: Robert Mayer - The Long Arm of an Eighteenth-Century Bonpo Patron: Gyalrong and Dolpo between the Jinchuan Wars (290 kb, pp. 447-460)
author: Charles Ramble - What did the Chinese Warlord Liu Wenhui want from Pha bong kha (309 kb, pp. 461-478)
author: Peter Schwieger - The History of the Mountain Teachings: 13th century Practice Lineages at rTsib ri (538 kb, pp. 479-515)
author: Marta Sernesi - A Dunhuang Tibetan Poem Praising Amitābha and Its Rebirth Among the Gter ma (841 kb, pp. 516-613)
author: Jonathan A. Silk - The 1983 Copy of Kötenʼs 1244 Letter to Sa skya Paṇḍita (435 kb, pp. 614-628)
author: Sun Penghao & Chen Qingying - Images of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama in the Public Opinion of the Late Qing Period (393 kb, pp. 629-655)
author: Yudru Tsomu - Travel, Love and Lost Things: The earliest Sino-Tibetan Divination Manuscript (902 kb, pp. 656-679)
author: Sam Van Schaik - The Khyung po, Dor ta and Rtse drug: War and Peace in Steng chen during the pre-Yuan years (372 kb, pp. 680-707)
author: Roberto Vitali - A Stone Carved Old Tibetan Tshe dpag du myed pa’I mdo Found in Leb ‘khog of Yu shul, Qinghai Province (656 kb, pp. 708-735)
author: Zhang Changhong
Number 63, Avril 2022
- Full text (5.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (128 kb, pp. 1-4)
- A Bout with Smallpox in Beijing: Personal Accounts of the Tibetan Statesman — Dga' bzhi pa Bsod nams bstan 'dzin dpal 'byor (1761–after 1810) and his Struggle with Smallpox (554 kb, pp. 5-48)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp & Ning Tien - A Brief History of the Tibetan Alphabetical Order (251 kb, pp. 49-61)
author: Elie Roux - Parody and Pathos: Sexual Transgression by “Fake” Lamas in Tibetan Short Stories (422 kb, pp. 62-94)
author: Holly Gayley and Somtso Bhum - Early Developments in Snying thig Practice: The Eighth Topic of Zhang Nyi ma ‘bum’s Rdzogs pa chen po tshig don bcu gcig pa (384 kb, pp. 95-130)
author: Khenpo Yeshi & Jacob P. Dalton - The Second dPa’ bo, gTsug lag phreng ba (1504–1566): Life and Works of the Great Sixteenth-Century Historian (465 kb, pp. 131-175)
author: Maria Bjerregaard & Dominik Dell - The Buddhist Practice of Mindfulness and its Adoption in Non-Religious Settings (348 kb, pp. 176-192)
author: Martina Draszczyk - Enduring Impermanence: Buddhism and Documentation in the Time Practices of Tibetan Migrants (220 kb, pp. 193-213)
author: Thomas van der Molen - Tombs of the Tibetan Emperors: Divine Descent and Mortal Remains in the Chongye Valley (2.8 MB, pp. 214-251)
author: William F. Romain - The Tsadra Lotsawa Workbench: Collaborative Lexicographical Tools for the Translation of Tibetan Buddhist Texts (1.8 MB, pp. 252-288)
author: Gregory Forgues - The Translation Endeavours of Shes rab grags Revisited: An Investigation of Translations Done by Pu rang lo chung Shes rab grags and ’Bro lo tsā ba Shes rab grags (5.3 MB, pp. 289-400)
author: Orna Almogi
Number 62, Février 2022 - For A Critical History of the Northern Treasures
- Full text (4.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (192 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Introduction — For A Critical History of the Northern Treasures (261 kb, pp. 5-21)
author: Stéphane Arguillère - Introduction to the Contents of this Special Issue (164 kb, pp. 22-28)
author: Jay Valentine - The rDo rje in the Details: A Note on sNa nam rDo rje bdud ‘joms (fl. eighth century) and His Role in Bringing Padmasambhava to Tibet (307 kb, pp. 29-50)
author: Elizabeth Angowski - The Longevity Practice of Vajrakīla Revealed by Rig 'dzin rGod ldem can: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the rDo rje phur pa'i tshe bsgrub (588 kb, pp. 51-90)
author: Kanako Shinga - The Life and Identity of mNga' ris Paṇ chen Padma dbang rgyal (1487-1542) – the Outstanding Master from Mustang, the “Ordinary Bodily Being” (1.3 MB, pp. 91-131)
author: Alexandra Sukhanova - The Heart Drops of Samantabhadra (Kun bzang snying tig) as revealed by mNga’ris paṇ chen (Padma dbang rgyal, 1487–1542) (387 kb, pp. 132-163)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Tsi’u dmar po: How a Northern Treasure God Became Ecumenical (548 kb, pp. 164-189)
author: Christopher Bell - Yamāntaka’s Wrathful Magic: An Instance of the Ritual Legacy of gNubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes on the Byang gter Tradition via the Figure of rGya Zhang khrom (317 kb, pp. 190-215)
author: Dylan Esler - An Introduction to The Chariot of Marvels: Northern Treasure Master Padma 'phrin las's Memoir of a Journey to Byang Ngam ring in 1690 (330 kb, pp. 216-232)
author: Jay Valentine - A History of the dGongs pa zang thal practice manuals (657 kb, pp. 233-298)
author: Stéphane Arguillère - Byang gter Bibliography (151 kb, pp. 299-305)
author: Jay Valentine & Stéphane Arguillère
Number 61, Octobre 2021
- Full text (7.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (152 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Tāranātha on the Emergence of the Tantric Cycle of Vajrabhairava-Yamāntaka: Writing a Tibetan Buddhist Historiography in Seventeenth-Century Tibet (492 kb, pp. 5-52)
author: Aleksandra Wenta - L’Allemagne au-dessus de l’Himalaya : des SS sur le toit du monde (684 kb, pp. 53-109)
author: Charlie Caron-Belloni - “Feast of the Wise”: Author, Structure and Textual Witnesses of the 16th Century Religio-Historical Work Chos ’byung mkhas pa’i dga’ ston by the Second dPa’ bo, gTsug lag phreng ba (1504–1566) (543 kb, pp. 110-165)
author: Dominik Dell - The Sum-pa – nomads of the northern plateau. On the issue of the Sum-pa tribesꞌ settlement area (307 kb, pp. 166-183)
author: Mariia Sokhina - rDo rje Sems dpa’ Nam mkha’ che’i rGyud — An Analysis of the Tantra of the Total Space of Vajrasattva (274 kb, pp. 184-208)
author: Adriano Clemente - Comparing Historical Tibetan Population Estimates with the Monks and Nuns: What was the Clerical Proportion? (2 MB, pp. 209-231)
author: Karl E. Ryavec & Rocco N. Bowman - The Newly Identified Saint Petersburg Manuscript of the Collection of Songs by the 6th Dalai Lama: the Text (3.1 MB, pp. 232-275)
author: Alexander Zorin - Tibetan Buddhist Vanguards among the Mongols and Manchus, 1576-1638 (360 kb, pp. 276-299)
author: Gray Tuttle & Lan Wu - Game Changers of the Tibetan Buddhist Political Order in Central Asia in the Early Eighteenth Century (310 kb, pp. 300-322)
author: Darig Thokmay - Remarks on the term tshad ma’i skyes bu and the notion of novelty of valid cognition in the bKa’ brgyud tradition (295 kb, pp. 323-338)
author: Artur Przybyslawski - Naming the empire: from Bod to Tibet—A philologico-historical study on the origin of the polity (1.1 MB, pp. 339-402)
author: Joanna Bialek - A Tibetan History of Lesser Knowledge: The Coming of Poetry in The Five Minor Fields of Learning (314 kb, pp. 403-420)
author: Tenzin Tsepak
Number 60, Août 2021 - New Research on Old Tibetan Studies – Proceedings of the Panel Old Tibetan Studies VI – IATS 2019
- Full text (6.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (137 kb, pp. 1-4)
- New Research on Old Tibetan Studies Proceedings of the Panel Old Tibetan Studies VI – IATS 2019 (70 kb, p. 5)
author: Emanuela Garatti, Lewis Doney, Quentin Devers - Kinterms: New Potential Indicators for Dating Old Tibetan Documents (533 kb, pp. 6-48)
author: Joanna Bialek - Text, Act and Subject: A Proposed Approach to the Future Study of Old Tibetan Prayer (423 kb, pp. 49-83)
author: Lewis Doney - The Envoys of Phywa to Dmu (PT 126) (505 kb, pp. 84-143)
author: Nathan W. Hill - Smra myi ste btsun po and Rma myi de btsun po: A Trial Translation of an Indigenous Tibetan Funeral Narrative, The First Part of PT 1136 (285 kb, pp. 143-160)
author: Iwao Ishikawa - Gog cu as Tibetan Buddhist Site of the North-Eastern Amdo Area during the Post-Imperial Period (263 kb, pp. 161-173)
author: Kazushi Iwao - A Survey of Tibetan Sūtras Translated from Chinese, as Recorded in Early Tibetan Catalogues (506 kb, pp. 174-219)
author: Channa Li - A Philological Study of the Dvādaśāṅgapratītyasamutpāda (344 kb, pp. 220-238)
author: Ai Nishida - Śatasāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā sūtras Discovered at Dunhuang: The Scriptorium at Thang kar and Related Aspects. A Preliminary Investigation (600 kb, pp. 239-281)
author: Gertraud Taenzer - The Call of the Siren: Bod, Baútisos, Baîtai, and Related Names (Studies in Historical Geography II) (4.3 MB, pp. 282-397)
author: Bettina Zeisler - Traces of Clause-Final Demonstratives in Old Tibetan (403 kb, pp. 398-438)
author: Marius Zemp - Final Particle =o in Old Tibetan: Morphosyntax, Semantics, and Grammaticalisation (435 kb, pp. 439-471)
author: Shao Mingyuan
Number 59, Juin 2021 - An Old Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscript of the Avaivartikacakrasūtra in the Stein Collection collated with Tibetan Kanjurs James B. Apple
- Full text (2.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (137 kb, pp. 1-4)
- An Old Tibetan Dunhuang Manuscript of the Avaivartikacakrasūtra in the Stein Collection collated with Tibetan Kanjurs (2.4 MB, pp. 5-333)
author: James B. Apple
Number 58, Avril 2021
- Full text (6 MB)
- Cover, contents (137 kb, pp. 1-4)
- “Giving a Meaning to an Illusory Wealth.” A Trader’s Pilgrimage (532 kb, pp. 5-59)
author: Lucia Galli - Misdiagnosis or Political Assassination? Re-examining the Death of Panchen Lama Lobsang Palden Yeshe from Smallpox in 1780 (309 kb, pp. 60-80)
author: Lobsang Yongdan - Birthplace of the Seventh Karma pa, Chos grags rgya mtsho (1454–1506): Description draws from Tibetan Geomancy and Pilgrimage Guidebooks (381 kb, pp. 81-102)
author: Dominik Dell - Human Engagement on Manuscript Margins: Glimpses into the Social Life of a Collection of Buddhist Sūtras from Mustang (3 MB, pp. 103-138)
author: Markus Viehbeck - Entangled Objects: Gift, Reciprocity and the Making of the Imperial Subject in 18th Century Tibet (364 kb, pp. 139-164)
author: Riga Tsegyal Shakya - The Old sNar thang Tibetan Buddhist Canon Revisited, with Special Reference to dBus pa blo gsal’s bsTan ’gyur Catalogue (502 kb, pp. 165-207)
author: Orna Almogi - “Empty Like the Sky”: Polysemy and the Problem of “Mere Clear Awareness” at the Intersection of Sūtra and Tantra in Fifteenth-century Tibet (406 kb, pp. 208-236)
author: Rae Dachille - On the Version of the Vajracchedikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra Used in the 18th Century Kalmyk Scrolls (739 kb, pp. 237-266)
author: Alexander Zorin - Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar (5): Two Blo gros brtan pas on Vyākaraṇa – So many Sthiramatis (5.7 MB, pp. 267-300)
author: Peter Verhagen - Compte-rendu de : Jeannine Bischoff, Petra Maurer, and Charles Ramble (eds.), On a Day of a Month of the Fire Bird Year. Festschrift for Peter Schwieger on the occasion of his 65th birthday (147 kb, pp. 301-305)
author: Per Kværne - Compte-rendu de : Alexander Kingsbury Smith, Divination in Exile. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ritual Prognostication in the Tibetan Bon Tradition (134 kb, pp. 306-310)
author: Per Kværne
Number 57, Janvier 2021 - The Power of Wealth — Economy and Social Status in Pre-Modern Tibetan Communities
- Full text (5.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (140 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Introduction (193 kb, pp. 5-19)
author: Lucia Galli and Kalsang Norbu Gurung - Lenders and Borrowers in Tibetan Society (214 kb, pp. 20-32)
author: Peter Schwieger - Debt, Dependency and the Moravian Mission in Kinnaur, 1865–1924 (615 kb, pp. 33-65)
author: John Bray - Latent Modernisation in Traditional Tibet: An Essay on the Evolution of Land Lease Systems in Tibetan Rural Society (228 kb, pp. 66-83)
author: Kensaku Okawa - Timepieces as Gifts: Exploring European Clocks and Watches in Tibet (310 kb, pp. 84-97)
author: Lobsang Yongdan - Economic Resources to Stabilise Power in Ladakh During the rNam rgyal Dynasty (16th‒19th Centuries) (1.4 MB, pp. 98-129)
author: Teresa Raffelsberger - Building Trust Within and Without. The Role of Costly Signalling, Ethnic Kinship, and Non-Sectarianism in the Socio-Economic Affirmation of 20th-century Khams pa Trading Firms (372 kb, pp. 130-161)
author: Lucia Galli - From Sacred Commodity to Religio-Economic Conundrum: Tracing the Tibetan Term dKor (423 kb, pp. 162-192)
author: Berthe Jansen - Measuring Income Inequality in Tibetan Society: Understanding the Different Amounts of Offerings and the Status of Tibetan Officials (322 kb, pp. 193-215)
author: Kalsang Norbu Gurung - Rule and Labour in Tibet: Constructing the Red Palace of the Potala (1.3 MB, pp. 216-240)
author: Peter Schwieger - Crime, Punishment and Socio-Economic Status in Mustang (Nepal) in the Early 19th Century (256 kb, pp. 241-257)
author: Charles Ramble
Number 56, Octobre 2020
- Full text (4.0 MB)
- Cover, contents (130 kb, pp. 1-4)
- A compiled list of Tibetan districts (rdzong) and government estates of the Ganden Phodrang territory (1830-1959) (598 kb, pp. 5-47)
author: Alice Travers - On the Authorship of the Tshad ma’i de kho na nyid bsdus pa (304 kb, pp. 48-69)
author: Jonathan Stoltz - Towards a standardisation of Tibetan transliteration for textual studies (412 kb, pp. 70–88)
author: Joanna Bialek - With the power of their forefathers: Kinship between early Tibetan ritualists and the Naxi dongba of southwest China (802 kb, pp. 89–124)
author: Duncan Poupard - Patrons and Barbarians: The Righteous Dharma King and Ritual Warfare According to Tāranātha (382 kb, pp. 125–160)
author: William K. Dewey - On a “Golden” Khara-Khoto Manuscript Preserved in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS (466 kb, pp. 161–169)
author: Alexander Zorin - Kadampa Pointing-Out Instructions (532 kb, pp. 170-262)
author: James B. Apple - Materializing Dreams and Omens: The Autobiographical Subjectivity of the Tibetan Yoginī Kun dga’ ‘Phrin las dbang mo (1585-1668) (378 kb, pp. 263-292)
author: Michael R. Sheehy - Toni Huber. 2020. Source of Life: Revitalisation Rites and Bon Shamans in Bhutan and Eastern Himalayas, Volume 1-2 (238 kb, pp. 293-304)
author: Guntram Hazod - Cantwell, Cathy, Dudjom Rinpoche’s Vajrakīlaya Works: A Study in Authoring, Compiling, and Editing in the Tibetan Revelatory Tradition (182 kb, pp. 305-314)
author: Dylan Esler - Knowledge and Context in Tibetan Medicine, edited by William McGrath (155 kb, pp. 315-323)
author: Jaako Takkinen - Katia Buffetrille, L'âge d'or du Tibet (XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles) (103 kb, pp. 324-326)
author: Per Kværne
Number 55, Juillet 2020 - New Currents on the Neva River
- Full text (9.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (278 kb, pp. i-v)
- Editorial (120 kb, pp. vi-x)
author: Natalia Moskaleva, Franz Xaver Erhard, Daniel Wojahn, Jed Forman, and Maria Smirnova - Keynote: Tibetan Studies in Saint Petersburg: Past and Present (201 kb, pp. 1–14)
author: Vladimir Uspensky - Sounds of Speech and the Tiger’s Roar: Two Different Ways of Perceiving Vocal Music in Tibet in the 13th–17th Centuries (549 kb, pp. 15–34)
author: Polina Butsyk - Tantric Constraints in the Tibetan Medical Tradition: Theocratic Dynamics in Medical Practice (263 kb, pp. 35–53)
author: Tony Chui - Releasing Lives on the Grasslands of Amdo: Entanglements of Human and Animal Vitality (294 kb, pp. 54–78)
author: Maria Coma-Santasusana - A Yak, Na rak and Potalaka: Folios of the So-Called “Gyalpo Kachem” in US Museum Collections (509 kb, pp. 79–120)
author: Lewis Doney - Goldmine of Knowledge: The Collections of the Gnas bcu lha khang in ’Bras spungs Library (255 kb, pp. 121–139)
author: Cécile Ducher - Re-adapting a Buddhist Mother’s Authority in the Gung ru Female Sprul sku Lineage (401 kb, pp. 140–160)
author: Peter F. Faggen - “The Problem of Universals in Yogic Perception and Tsong kha pa’s Solution (347 kb, pp. 161–181)
author: Jed Forman - Resurrecting an Old Advice: Funerary Teachings in the Bka’ brgyad Cycle of Nyang ral nyi ma ’od zer (1124–1192) (259 kb, pp. 182–196)
author: Guy Grizman - Buddhist Tradition, Catalogued: Kingship and Nonsectarian Traces in an Early 18th-Century Dkar chag from Sde dge (335 kb, pp. 197–220)
author: Eric Haynie - The Origins of Tibetan Law: Some Notes on Intertextuality and the Reception History of Tibetan Legal Texts (322 kb, pp. 221–244)
author: Berthe Jansen - Reincarnation at Work: A Case Study of the Incarnation Lineage of Sum pa mkhan po (337 kb, pp. 245–268)
author: Hanung Kim - Treatise on Writing, Treatise on Music: Comparing Terminology (330 kb, pp. 269–291)
author: Anna Kramskova - Questioning Women: Ye shes mtsho rgyal and Other Female Disciples in Zhus lan Literature (340 kb, pp. 292–317)
author: Jue Liang - Prophecies and Past Lives of the Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho: On Interpretation and Authority in a Tibetan ’Khrungs rabs (882 kb, pp. 318–350)
author: Ian MacCormack - The Ming, Tibetan and Mongol Interactions in Shaping the Ming Fortification, Multicultural Society and Natural Landscape in Mdo smad, 1368–1644 (670 kb, pp. 351–384)
author: Gyatso Marnyi - The Monstrous and the Moral: Interpreting King Yama’s Narratological Arc in Returner Literature (271 kb, pp. 385–408)
author: Natasha L. Mikles - The Tibet Mirror and History Spinning in the 1950s and 1960s (347 kb, pp. 409–439)
author: Natalia Moskaleva - Shugs ldan and the Dalai Lama: A Conflict of Political Legitimation Processes? (340 kb, pp. 440–461)
author: Frédéric Richard - Tibetan Manuscript on Birchbark from the Collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS (1 MB, pp. 462–474)
author: Alla Sizova - Study of the Tibetan Linguistic Picture of the World Using Computer Ontology (326 kb, pp. 475–494)
author: Maria Smirnova - Curating a Treasure: The Bka’ brgyad bde gshegs ’dus pa in the Development of Rnying ma Tradition (305 kb, pp. 495-521)
author: Nicholas Trautz - Teaching the Living through the Tibetan Book of the Dead: Exploration into the Context and Content of an 18th-century Mongolian Block Print (392 kb, pp. 522-553)
author: Daniel Wojahn
Number 54, Avril 2020
- Full text (4.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (95 kb, pp. i-v)
- Regional Perspectives on the Origin and Early Spread of the Bon Religion based on Core Areas of Monastery Construction across the Tibetan Plateau (1.2 MB, pp. 5-27)
author: Karl E. Ryavec - Survey of the language use by Urban, Minyag-speaking — Tibetans: A case study on Minyag people living in Lucheng Town, Kangding Municipality, Ganzi Prefecture (193 kb, pp. 28-46)
author: Dawa Drolma - A Tibetan Journey - Interview with Samten G. Karmay (450 kb, pp. 47-65)
author: Katia Buffetrille - Wrathful and Peaceful Sound: Musical and Religious Logics of the Two-armed Mahākāla Ritual (470 kb, pp. 66-94)
author: Yanfang Liou - Tibetan Refugees in India: The Challenges of Applying for Indian Citizenship (403 kb, pp. 95-113)
author: Abhinav Seetharaman - On the Life of Chos rgyal bsod nams (1442-1509): Unlocking the Mysteries of a Byang gter Master from Mustang (266 kb, pp. 114-146)
author: Jay Holt Valentine - The Brief Hagiography of Jokpa Jangchup Penden (1.9 MB, pp. 147-195)
author: Christopher Bell - “Mom, Can I Become a Han Officer?” Childhood Memories, Politics, Emancipation and Intimacy in the Chinese-Written Autobiographical Essays of Blo gros chos mtsho, a Khampa Woman (1909/1910–1949) (629 kb, pp. 196-240)
author: Lara Maconi - From Sūtra Collections to Kanjurs: Tracing a Network of Buddhist Canonical Literature across the Western and Central Himalayas (498 kb, pp. 241-260)
author: Markus Viehbeck - Henrion-Dourcy, Isabelle, 2017. Le théâtre ache lhamo. Jeux et enjeux d’une tradition tibétaine (105 kb, pp. 261-266)
author: Dylan Esler - Geoff Childs and Namgyal Choedup’s From a Trickle to a Torrent: Education, Migration, and Social Change in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal (96 kb, pp. 267-270)
author: Hanna Havnevik - Jinah Kim: Receptacle of the Sacred: Illustrated Manuscripts and the Buddhist Book Cult in South Asia (92 kb, pp. 271-274)
author: Patrick Dowd - Karl Debreczeny (ed.): Faith and Empire: Art and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism (118 kb, pp. 275-279)
author: Jean-Luc Achard
Number 53, Mars 2020 - Asian Influences on Tibetan Military History between the 17th and 20th Centuries
- Full text (9.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (89 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Acknowledgements (60 kb, p. 5)
author: - Notes on Transcription and Transliteration of Terms in Asian Languages (52 kb, p. 6)
author: - Introduction: The Ganden Phodrang’s Military Institutions and Culture between the 17th and the 20th Centuries, at a Crossroads of Influences (1.1 MB, pp. 7-28)
author: Solomon George FitzHerbert and Alice Travers - Mongol and Tibetan Armies on the Trans-Himalayan Fronts in the Second Half of the 17th Century, with a Focus on the Autobiography of the Fifth Dalai Lama (484 kb, pp. 29-55)
author: Federica Venturi - The Zunghar Conquest of Central Tibet and its Influence on Tibetan Military Institutions in the 18th Century (491 kb, pp. 56-113)
author: Hosung Shim - Tibetan and Qing Troops in the Gorkha Wars (1788–1792) as Presented in Chinese Sources: A Paradigm Shift in Military Culture (695 kb, pp. 114-146)
author: Ulrich Theobald - Meritocracy in the Tibetan Army after the 1793 Manchu Reforms: The Career of General Zurkhang Sichö Tseten (481 kb, pp. 147-177)
author: Alice Travers - The Geluk Gesar: Guandi, the Chinese God of War, in Tibetan Buddhism from the 18th to 20th Centuries (1.5 MB, pp. 178-266)
author: Solomon George FitzHerbert - A Visual Representation of the Qing Political and Military Presence in Mid-19th Century Tibet (1.7 MB, pp. 267-302)
author: Diana Lange - Zhang Yintang’s Military Reforms in 1906–1907 and their aftermath—The Introduction of Militarism in Tibet (660 kb, pp. 303-340)
author: Ryosuke Kobayashi - Japanese Visitors to Tibet in the Early 20th Century and their Impact on Tibetan Military Affairs—with a Focus on Yasujirō Yajima (582 kb, pp. 341-364)
author: Yasuko Komoto - List of Authors (104 kb, pp. 365-367)
Number 52, Octobre 2019
- Full text (4.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (92 kb, pp. i-iv)
- The Bon po sMan sgrub Ritual: Medicinal Materiality of a Universal Healing Ceremony (347 kb, pp. 5-45)
author: Anna Sehnalova - Two new high-altitude petroglyph localities in the Tsomoriri and Phirse Pho valleys, southeast Ladakh, India (629 kb, pp. 46-69)
author: William E. (Bill) Boyd, Kapil Negi, Saresh Thakur, Puran Chand, Geoff Bartram, William Meertens, Peter Slavich - Heavenly Ascents after Death, Karma Chags med’s Commentary on Mind Transference (593 kb, pp. 70-89)
author: Georgios T. Halkias - In Search of the Lost Manuscript: The Obscure Recension History of the Tenth-Century Text The Lamp for the Eye in Meditation (881 kb, pp. 90-118)
author: Manuel Lopez - Rethinking Treasure (part one) (646 kb, pp. 119-184)
author: Robert Mayer - 'Share the sweets', An introspective analysis of copulas following adjectives in Modern Standard Tibetan (163 kb, pp. 185-192)
author: Sonam Dugdak & Nathan W. Hill - Ippolito Desideri’s Tibetan Works and the Problem of ARSI Goa 74, fols. 47r-92v (221 kb, pp. 193-216)
author: Trent Pomplun - When Fools Cannot Win: Social Determinism and Political Pragmatism in Bodong’s Reception of Sakya Legshe (312 kb, pp. 217-250)
author: Miguel Álvarez Ortega - The Body of Skyid shod sprul sku: The Mid-Seventeenth Century Ties between Central Tibet, the Oirat Mongols, and Dgon lung Monastery in Amdo (870 kb, pp. 251-283)
author: Brenton Sullivan - In his Name: The Fake Royal Biography—Fabricated Prophecy and Literary Imposture (2.4 MB, pp. 284-335)
author: Per K. Sørensen - Compte-rendu de: ”Rossi, Donatella (ed.), Fili di seta. Introduzione al pensiero filosofico e religioso dell'Asia” (100 kb, pp. 336-340)
author: Per Kværne
Number 51, Juillet 2019 - Perspectives on Tibetan Culture
- Full text (10.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (292 kb, pp. i-viii, pp. 9-13)
- “dByar rtswa dgun ’bu is a Marvellous Thing”. Some Notes on the Concept of Ophiocordyceps sinensis among Tibetan People and its Significance in Tibetan Medicine (118 kb, pp. 15-38)
author: Alessandro Boesi - Ladakhi Knowledge and Western Learning: A. H. Francke’s Teachers, Guides and Friends in the Western Himalaya (945 kb, pp. 39-72)
author: John Bray - A Condensed Catalogue of 16th Century Tibetan Xylographs from South-Western Tibet (138 kb, pp. 73-98)
author: Michela Clemente - The Historical Development of Tibetan “Minzu” Identity through Chinese Eyes: A Preliminary Analysis (173 kb, pp. 99-118)
author: Mauro Crocenzi - Apropos a Recent Collection of Tibetan Xylographs from the 15th to the 17th Centuries (127 kb, pp. 119-140)
author: Franz Karl Ehrhard and Marta Sernesi - Ein Kanjurtext auf Gebetsfahnen: Dhvajāgrakeyūradhāraṇī, rGyal mtshan gyi rtse mo’i dpung rgyan ces bya ba’i gzungs (202 kb, pp. 141-157)
author: Helmut Eimer - Three Ancient Manuscripts from Tholing in the Tucci Collection, IsIAO, Roma, Part III: Manuscript 1329 F (849 kb, pp. 159-170)
author: Amy Heller - A g.yung drung bon description of Mount Kailāśa Gangs Ti se) (118 kb, pp. 171-187)
author: Per Kværne - Note in margine all’archivio fotografico di Fosco Maraini (941 kb, pp. 189-202)
author: Erberto Lo Bue - A Crucial Link in 15th-century Tibetan Art (2 MB, pp. 203-226)
author: Christian Luczanits - The Bla ma mchod pa tshogs zhing of the dGe lugs pa Tradition: Introductory Analysis to the Iconography of the Oldest Images of the “Field of the Accumulation of Merits” (1.2 MB, pp. 227-244)
author: Filippo Lunardo - The Monastery of Tholing in 1933 (3 MB, pp. 245-273)
author: Oscar Nalesini - The Great Seal and the Path of Means according to Par phu pa Blo gros seng ge (175 kb, pp. 275-300)
author: Marco Passavanti - The Don gsum (Three Teachings) of Lady Co za Bon mo. A Bon po gter ma from the G. Tucci Tibetan Fund (130 kb, pp. 301-321)
author: Donatella Rossi - The Appearance of gcod in the rNying ma School (151 kb, pp. 323-336)
author: Fabian Sanders and Margherita Pansa - Manuscript Fragments from Matho. A Preliminary Report and Random Reflections (1.6 MB, pp. 337-378)
author: Helmut Tauscher - Mi la ras pa on the Intermediate State: An Introduction and Translation of “Profound Instructions on the Direct Introduction to the Intermediate State, Using the Mind to Discriminate the Path” (128 kb, pp. 379-403)
author: Francis Tiso - The Great Maṇi Wall Inscription at Hemis revisited (181 kb, pp. 405-414)
author: Helga Uebach and Jampa L. Panglung - A gnas yig to the Holy Place of Pretapurī (519 kb, pp. 415-447)
author: Federica Venturi - Hor khrims and the Tibetans: A Recapitulation of its Enforcements in the Years 1240-1260 (115 kb, pp. 449-468)
author: Roberto Vitali
Number 50, Juin 2019 - Tibetan Religion and the Senses
- Full text (2.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (88 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Introduction (143 kb, pp. 5-12)
author: James D. Gentry - The senses in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from a philosophical perspective (230 kb, pp. 13–39)
author: Jiri Holba - A Bon tantric approach to the senses: the evidence from Khu tsha zla 'od’s Black Pillar (Ka ba nag po man ngag rtsa ba'i rgyud) (276 kb, pp. 40-55)
author: Robert Mayer - Embodying the divine in tantric ritual practice: examples from the Chinese Karakhoto manuscripts from the Tangut empire (ca. 1038–1227) (258 kb, pp. 56-72)
author: Carmen Meinert - Liberation through sensory encounters in Tibetan Buddhist practice (603 kb, pp. 73–131)
author: James D. Gentry - Luminous visions and liberatory amulets in Rig 'dzin rGod ldem’s Great Perfection anthology (205 kb, pp. 132–149)
author: Katarina Turpeinen - The Ceremony for Imbibing the Siddhis, with particular reference to examples from Nyang ral Nyi ma 'od zer’s bKa' brgyad bde gshegs 'dus pa (501 kb, pp. 150–165)
author: Cathy Cantwell - Unicorns, myrobalans, and eyes: senses in ritual structure and matter in g.Yung drung Bon, a Tibetan tantric tradition (353 kb, pp. 166–211)
author: Anna Sehnalova - Tears like fluttering leaves: karmic resentment and the senses in Gesar’s journey through hell (283 kb, pp. 212–234)
author: Natasha L. Mikles - Seeing through your eyes: senses, emotions, science, and the plasticity of personhood in Tibetan Buddhism (302 kb, pp. 235-256)
author: Ana Cristina O. Lopes
Number 49, Mai 2019 - Reflections on Social Status in the Tibetan World
- Full text (3.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (92 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Introduction (115 kb, pp. 5-12)
author: Lucia Galli & Peter Schwieger - The Degraded Emperor: Theoretical Reflections on the Upstaging of a Bodhisattva King (389 kb, pp. 13-66)
author: Lewis Doney - The Invention of a Tibetan Lama General: a Biographical Account of Bla ma dkar po (1835–1895) (231 kb, pp. 67-92)
author: Lobsang Yongdan - Aspects of Social Status in the Biography of Doring Paṇḍita (263 kb, pp. 93-121)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard - All the Life We Cannot See: New-Historicist Approach to a Modern Tibetan Novel (240 kb, pp. 122-148)
author: Lucia Galli - The Tibetan Novel as Social History: Reflections on Trashi Palden’s Phal pa’i khyim tshang gi skyid sdug (323 kb, pp. 149-191)
author: Charles Ramble - Some Preliminary Reflections on the Boundary between Man and Animal in Pre-Modern Tibetan Society (123 kb, pp. 192-203)
author: Peter Schwieger - Horse and Social Status or How to Assess the Quality of a Horse (739 kb, pp. 204-232)
author: Petra Maurer - The Social Life of Excellent Horses (gyi ling): a Textual and Ethnographic Exploration (664 kb, pp. 233-257)
author: Yancen Diemberger and Hildegard Diemberger - May the Curd of g.yang Mature: a 14th-Century Allegory for the Domestication of Sheep (320 kb, pp. 258-270)
author: Alexander K. Smith - Some Preliminary Remarks on Human and Animal Materia Medica in Tibetan Medicine (355 kb, pp. 271-308)
author: Olaf Czaja
Number 48, Avril 2019
- Full text (3 MB)
- Cover, contents (91 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Tibetan zero nominalization (96 kb, pp. 5-9)
author: Nathan W. Hill - Amdo politics and religion—Tuken Losang Choki Nyima (Thu’u bkwan Blo bzang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737-1802) (271 kb, pp. 10-35)
author: Paul K. Nietupski - A collection of Spiti songs sung at village festivals and private gatherings (271 kb, pp. 36-49)
author: Veronika Hein - The Mingled Melody: Remembering the Tibetan March 10th Uprising (387 kb, pp. 50-98)
author: Lama Jabb - An outline of the sound structure of Lhagang Choyu: A newly recognised highly endangered language in Khams Minyag (901 kb, pp. 99-151)
author: Hiroyuki Suzuki & Sonam Wangmo - Tibetan Studies and the Art of Dialogue (286 kb, pp. 152-169)
author: Sarah H. Jacoby - Pilgrimage Guide of the Tibetan Buddhist Holy Mountain Brag dkar sprel rdzong (185 kb, pp. 170-183)
author: Nakza Drolma - Material culture as proxy for language: the Himalayan evidence (2.3 MB, pp. 184-232)
author: Maheshwar P. Joshi - Compte-rendu de “Fabienne Jagou, The Hybridity of Buddhism, Etudes thématiques vol. 29, Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient, 2018” (104 kb, pp. 233-236)
author: Jean-Luc Achard
Number 47, Février 2019
- Full text (7.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (177 kb, pp. i-iv)
- The Graves of the Chief Ministers of the Tibetan Empire — Mapping Chapter Two of the Old Tibetan Chronicle in the Light of the Evidence of the Tibetan Tumulus Tradition (7.2 MB, pp. 5-159)
author: Guntram Hazod
Number 46, Octobre 2018
- Full text (1.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (130 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Fourteenth Century Tibetan Cultural History III: The Oeuvre of Bla ma dam pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1312–1375), Part Two (609 kb, pp. 5-89)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp - Tibet in Old Turkic Texts (202 kb, pp. 90-97)
author: Erhan Aydın - “What Does Babu Say?”, a Pinch of Artistic Approach to News Reporting in The Tibet Mirror (1949-1963) (489 kb, pp. 98-148)
author: Natalia Moskaleva - Compte-rendu de Saul Mullard & Jeannine Bischoff (eds.), Social Regulation. Case Studies from Tibetan History, Brill Tibetan Studies Library, 41, Brill 2017 (151 kb, pp. 149-153)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard - Compte-rendu de Akester, Matthew, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet, Serindia Publications, Chicago 2016 (126 kb, pp. 154-157)
author: Per Kværne
Number 45, Avril 2018
- Full text (3.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (138 kb, pp. i-iv)
- A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1 MB, pp. 5-50)
author: Filippo Brambilla - Ratsag Monastery and its Vajrayoginī Nāro Khecarī Statue (1.9 MB, pp. 51-68)
author: Joona Repo - A study of written and oral narratives of Lhagang in Eastern Tibet (289 kb, pp. 69-88)
author: Sonam Wangmo - The Red Buddha Hall Road Revisited: New Information about the Tibetan and Tang Empires in Afghanistan Wakhan (2.2 MB, pp. 89-109)
author: John Mock - The Transformation of the Qing’s Geopolitics: Power Transitions between Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Amdo (2.7 MB, pp. 110-144)
author: Ling-Wei Kung - Direct Introductions into the Three Embodiments, Supreme Key-Instructions of the Dwags po Bka’ brgyud Tradition (458 kb, pp. 145-177)
author: Martina Draszczyk - The Signature of Recipes: Authorship, Intertextuality, and the Epistemic Genre of Tibetan Formulas (670 kb, pp. 178-220)
author: Barbara Gerke - Compte-rendu de Matthew Akester: Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo’s Guide to Central Tibet (162 kb, pp. 221-228)
author: Guntram Hazod - Compte-rendu de Daniel A. Hirshberg: Remembering the Lotus-Born. Padmasambhava in the History of Tibet’s Golden Age (118 kb, pp. 229-232)
author: Manuel Lopez - Compte-rendu de Anne Burchardi: Catalogue of Tibetan Mandalas and Other Images (176 kb, pp. 233-236)
author: Amy Heller
Number 44, Mars 2018 - Etudes rDzogs chen — Volume II
- Full text (2.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (129 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Préface (110 kb, pp. 5-8)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Muddy Waters and Blurred Lines: A ro ye shes ‘byung gnas and the Anomalous Origins of the rDzogs pa chen po Sems sde A ro lugs (227 kb, pp. 9-30)
author: Morten Ostensen - From treatise to tantra: the Pure Golden Ore (rDo la gser zhun) and the Tantra of Meditation on Bodhicitta (Byang chub sems bsgom pa'i rgyud) (579 kb, pp. 31-108)
author: Karen Liljenberg - A Record of the Teachings of the Great Perfection in the Twelfth-century Zur Tradition (258 kb, pp. 109-128)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - On Being ‘Impartial’ (ris med): From Non-Sectarianism to the Great Perfection (435 kb, pp. 129-158)
author: Marc-Henri Deroche - A Luminous Transcendence of Views: The Thirty Apophatic Topics in dPal dbyangs's Thugs kyi sgron ma (297 kb, pp. 159-177)
author: Kammie Takahashi - Immeasurable, Yet No Bigger than Your Thumb: The Tshon Gang in Bon Dzogchen (622 kb, pp. 178-230)
author: Kurt Keutzer - Zhang Nyi ma ‘bum (1158–1213) et le développement des sNying thig au 12e siècle (447 kb, pp. 231-257)
author: Jean-Luc Achard
Number 43, Janvier 2018 - Etudes rDzogs chen — Volume I
- Full text (2.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (129 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Préface (109 kb, pp. 5-8)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Adaptations and Transformations of Indian Yogācāra in Tibetan rDzogs chen (324 kb, pp. 9-31)
author: Sam van Schaik - Reconsidering the Contents and Function of the rDzogs chen Classifications of Sems phyogs and Sems sde (273 kb, pp. 32-49)
author: Morten Ostensen - The “Twenty or Eighteen” Texts of the Mind Series: Scripture, Transmission, and the Idea of Canon in the Early Great Perfection Literature (635 kb, pp. 50-94)
author: Manuel Lopez - The Great Perfection in the Early Biographies of the Northern Treasure Tradition: An Introduction to and Translation of The Life of Nam mkha’ rgyal mtshan (493 kb, pp. 95-133)
author: Jay Holt Valentine - Tales of Realization – Narratives in Rig ‘dzin rGod ldem’s Great Perfection Revelation (657 kb, pp. 134-195)
author: Katarina Turpeinen - Histoire des manuels de pratique du dGongs pa zang thal (546 kb, pp. 196-255)
author: Stéphane Arguillère - Signification and History in Zhang Nyi ma ’bum’s rDzogs pa chen po tshig don bcu gcig pa (287 kb, pp. 256-273)
author: Khenpo Yeshi and Jacob P. Dalton
Number 42, Octobre 2017
- Full text (5.9 MB)
- Cover, contents (129 kb, pp. i-iv)
- The Swastika, Stepped Shrine, Priest, Horned Eagle, and Wild Yak Rider — Prominent antecedents of Yungdrung Bon figurative and symbolic traditions in the rock art of Upper Tibet (3.65 MB, pp. 5-38)
author: John Bellezza - The Strange Case of the “Buddha from Space” (670 kb, pp. 39-67)
author: Isrun Engelhardt - A Re-evaluation of Pelliot tibétain 1257: An Early Tibetan-Chinese Glossary from Dunhuang (3.1 MB, pp. 68-180)
author: James B. Apple and Shinobu A. Apple - Is it possible to write a “Tibetan” poem in French? Tentative reflections on Victor Segalen’s Thibet (333 kb, pp. 181-216)
author: Bai Yunfei - Studies in Tibetan Indigenous Grammar (4): A Sixteenth-century Survey of Sum rtags and Related Literature (Appendix: Sa skya Paṇḍita's Mkhas pa'i kha rgyan) (439 kb, pp. 217-245)
author: Pieter Cornelis Verhagen - Studies in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Hermeneutics (7): Sa skya Paṇḍita's Mkhas 'jug on the Sanskrit-Tibetan Interface: Synthesis, Comparison and Translation (259 kb, pp. 246-267)
author: Pieter Cornelis Verhagen - “Dying Mongol and Being Reborn Tibetan”: Otherness and the Integration of Foreigners in the Landscape of Amdo (445 kb, pp. 268-288)
author: Valentina Punzi - Compte rendu de : James Duncan Gentry. Power Objects in Tibetan Buddhism: The Life, Writings, and Legacy of Sokdokpa Lodrö Gyeltsen (130 kb, pp. 289-295)
author: Lewis Doney
Number 41, Septembre 2017 - The Spiti Valley Recovering the Past and Exploring the Present: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Spiti
- Full text (12.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (152 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Introduction (296 kb, pp. i-ix)
author: Yannick Laurent and David Pritzker - Henry Lee Shuttleworth (1882–1960) and the History of Spiti (1.4 MB, pp. 1-55)
author: Yannick Laurent - The Rock Art of Spiti. A General Introduction (1.3 MB, pp. 56-85)
author: John Vincent Bellezza - Contesting Antiquity and Development: A Report on the Rock Art Preservation in Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh (961 kb, pp. 86-102)
author: Ekta Singh, Vijay K. Bodh and P.M. Saklani - sPi ti (Spiti) zhes pa'i ming la dpyad pa (181 kb, pp. 103-100)
author: Nyenthar - Some Remarks on Tabo Tibetan – A Variety of the Tibetic Language of Spiti (242 kb, pp. 111-127)
author: Veronika Hein - Towards a History of Spiti: Some Comments on the Question of Clans from the Perspective of Social Anthropology (780 kb, pp. 128-159)
author: Christian Jahoda - gNa' bo'i spyi ti yul gyi zhing khang gi thob dbang lam lugs la dpyad pa (656 kb, pp. 160-180)
author: Dorje Rinchen (Thupten Gyatso) - Measure for Measure: Researching and Documenting Early Buddhist Architecture in Spiti (526 kb, pp. 181-201)
author: Carmen Elisabeth Auer - The Maṇḍala Temple of Tabo: A Reassessment of the Chronology based on Tibetan Historic Inscriptions and the Iconography of the Mural Paintings (1.3 MB, pp. 202-225)
author: Amy Heller - One Stūpa and Three Lha thos. The Monuments of Tashigang (1.2 MB, pp. 226-248)
author: Gerald Kozicz - Kungri Tsuglakhang Murals Conservation-Restoration Project (575 kb, pp. 249-270)
author: Mélodie Bonnat - The Origins of the Padma gling pa Tradition in the Cloud Valley of Spiti (199 kb, pp. 271-290)
author: Namgyal Henry - Endangered Archives. Documenting Buchen Performance Materials (1.8 MB, pp. 291-322)
author: Patrick Sutherland - Buchen as Storytellers. Reading, Telling and Acting out Edifying Stories (887 kb, pp. 323-348)
author: Pascale Dollfus - Decoding Mid-19th Century Maps of the Border Area between Western Tibet, Ladakh, and Spiti (1 MB, pp. 349-371)
author: Diana Lange
Number 40, Juillet 2017 - Studies in The Tibetan Performing Arts
- Full text (3.0 MB)
- Cover, contents (124 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Studying the Tibetan Performing Arts: A Bibliographic Introduction (1986-2017) (444 kb, pp. 5–54)
author: Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy - Regulating the Performing Arts: Buddhist Canon Law on the Performance and Consumption of Music in Tibet (363 kb, pp. 55-91)
author: Cuilan Liu - Listening with the Gods: Offering, Beauty and Being in Tibetan Ritual Music (155 kb, pp. 92-102)
author: Michael Monhart - Looking Back at Tibetan Performing Arts Research by Tibetans in the People’s Republic of China: Advocating for an Anthropological Approach (315 kb, pp. 103-125)
author: Sangye Dondhup - Lyrics Matter: Reconsidering Agency in the Discourses and Practices of Tibetan Pop Music among Tibetan Refugees (324 kb, pp. 126-152)
author: Tatsuya Yamamoto - Lineage in the Digital Age: Didactic Practices of the Nepal Tibetan Lhamo Association and Tibet University Arts Department Tibetan Opera Class (834 kb, pp. 153-178)
author: Kati Fitzgerald - The Art of the Tibetan Actor: A lce lha mo in the gaze of Western Performance Theories (1.2 MB, pp. 179-215)
author: Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy - Notes on Contributors (94 kb, pp. 216-217)
Number 39, Avril 2017
- Full text (7.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (146 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Sorcerer of the Iron Castle: The Life of Blo bzang bstan pa rab rgyas, the First Brag dkar sngags rams pa of A mdo (c. 1647-1726) (561 kb, pp. 5–59)
author: Bryan J. Cuevas - The Khache Phalu: A Translation and Interpretation (545 kb, pp. 60-132)
author: Nicolas Bommarito - Introduction to and Translation of The Garland of Light: Lives of the Masters of the Northern Treasure Tradition (393 kb, pp. 133-165)
author: Jay Holt Valentine - Notes apropos to the Œuvre of Si tu Paṇ chen Chos kyi 'byung gnas (1699?-1774) (5) — The 'Eight-Stanza Hymn to Mahākāla': A Glimpse of the Translator at Work (545 kb, pp. 166-228)
author: Pieter Cornelis Verhagen - On Maṇi and Epigraphy — Four Stone Inscriptions from Spiti (2.2 MB, pp. 229-265)
author: Yannick Laurent - Tibetan documents in the archives of the Tantric Lamas of Tshognam in Mustang, Nepal: An interdisciplinary case study (2.4 MB, pp. 266-341)
author: Agnieszka Helman-Ważny & Charles Ramble - Materials Toward the Study of Vasubandhu’s Viṁśikā (II): An edition of the Dunhuang Manuscript Pelliot tibétain 797 (315 kb, pp. 342-360)
author: Jonathan A. Silk - A review of Janet Gyatso. Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet (135 kb, pp. 361-366)
author: Cathy Cantwell
Number 38, Février 2017 - The Tulku (sprul sku) Institution in Tibetan Buddhism
- Full text (17.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (177 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Preface: The Tulku (sprul sku) Institution in Tibetan Buddhism (143 kb, pp. i–iii)
author: Daniel A. Hirshberg, Derek F. Maher, & Tsering Wangchuk - On Tulku Lineages (287 kb, pp. 1–28)
author: José Ignacio Cabezón - Pattern Recognition: Tracking the Spread of the Incarnation Institution through Time and across History (4.3 MB, pp. 29–64)
author: Gray Tuttle - A Post-Incarnate Usurper? Inheritance at the Dawn of Catenate Reincarnation in Tibet (332 kb, pp. 65–83)
author: Daniel A. Hirshberg - “I am a god, I am a god, I am definitely a god”: Deity Emanation and the Legitimation of Sönam Paldren (827 kb, pp. 84–103)
author: Suzanne M. Bessenger - Revival and Renewal through Reincarnation: The Bodong Tradition, Then and Now (578 kb, pp. 104–118)
author: Derek F. Maher - Recounting the Fifth Dalai Lama’s Rebirth Lineage (3.1 MB, pp. 119–156)
author: Nancy G. Lin - Buddhist Body Politics: Life, Death, and Reincarnation in Transnational Eurasia (2.6 MB, pp. 157–182)
author: Anya Bernstein - The Revival of the Tulku Institution: Narratives and Practices in Modern China (786 kb, pp. 183–201)
author: Nicole Willock - Embodying Lama’s Vision: A New Reincarnation Lineage in the Tibetan Exile Community (725 kb, pp. 202–219)
author: Tsering Wangchuk - A Transnational Tulku: The Multiple Lives of FPMT’s Spanish-born Lama Ösel (713 kb, pp. 220–240)
author: Jessica Marie Falcone - Reflections on the Tulku Institution, Technical and Personal (864 kb, pp. 241–264)
author: Jeffrey Hopkins
Number 37, Décembre 2016 - Ancient Currents, New Traditions: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists
- Full text (9.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (250 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Preface: Ancient Currents, New Traditions (102 kb, pp. v-vii)
author: Franz Xaver Erhard, Jeannine Bischoff, Lewis Doney, Jörg Heimbel, Emilia Sulek - Keynote: A Story of Academic and Cultural Curiosity. Leipzig and the Rise of Tibetology in Germany (975 kb, pp. 1-12)
author: Per K. Sørensen - A Tibetan Protector Deity Theogony: An Eighteenth Century “Explicit” Buddhist Pantheon and Some of its Political Aspects (238 kb, pp. 13-28)
author: Cameron Bailey - Bod lugs zla ba ngos ‘dzin (320 kb, pp. 29-47)
author: Byams pa chos ’phel - Examining the Blo sbyong Component in Thogs med bzang po’s Collected Works (360 kb, pp. 48-68)
author: Gloria I-Ling Chien - A Richness of Detail: Sangs rgyas gling pa and the Padma bka’ thang (451 kb, pp. 69-97)
author: Lewis Doney - bKa’ brgyud Treasure and rNying ma Revealer: The Sras mkhar ma of Mar pa Lo tsā ba (401 kb, pp. 98-126)
author: Cécile Ducher - On the Historical Background of a Buddhist Polemical Exchange between Tibetan and Mongolian Scholars in the 19th Century (422 kb, pp. 127-144)
author: ErdeneBaatar Erdene-Ochir - The Disciplinarian (dge skos/ dge bskos/ chos khrims pa/ zhal ngo) in Tibetan Monasteries: his Role and his Rules (287 kb, pp. 145-161)
author: Berthe Jansen - A mdo, Collected Works (gSung ’bum), and Prosopography (750 kb, pp. 162-177)
author: Hanung Kim - Smartphones, Weixin and Beautiful Bodies: The Role of Mobile Technologies for Crafting Desired Selves in Lhasa (348 kb, pp. 178-206)
author: Anne Kukuczka - Translationship Lost in Transmission: Elusive Attributions of Two Tibetan Sūtra Translations (1.5 MB, pp. 207-230)
author: Channa Li - Buddhicizing the Warrior-King Gesar in the dMyal gling rDzogs pa Chen po (180 kb, pp. 231-246)
author: Natasha L. Mikles - Sketches of Contemporary Tibetan History in The Tibet Mirror (1949–1963) (246 kb, pp. 247-261)
author: Natalia Moskaleva - Old Tibetan Scapulimancy (229 kb, pp. 262-277)
author: Ai Nishida - A Study on nang zan: On the Reality of the “Servant Worker” in Traditional Tibetan Society (168 kb, pp. 278-292)
author: Kensaku Okawa - Are We Legend? Reconsidering Clan in Tibet (242 kb, pp. 293-314)
author: Jonathan Samuels - Foreign News in Early Tibetan-Language Newspapers: Covering Adolf Hitler in the Melong (954 kb, pp. 315-334)
author: Anna Sawerthal - sGam po pa’s Doctrinal System: A Programmatic Way to Buddhahood for Beings of Varying Capacity, Both Gradual and Sudden? (258 kb, pp. 335-351)
author: Rolf Scheuermann - The Pointed Spear of a Siddha and its Commentaries: The ’Brug pa bka’ brgyud School in Defence of the Mahāmudrā Doctrine (258 kb, pp. 352-373)
author: Dagmar Schwerk - Searching for Tibetanness: Tenzing Rigdol’s Attempt to Visualize Tibetan Identity (786 kb, pp. 374-390)
author: Eva Maria Seidel - The “Brilliant Moon Theriac” (Zla zil dar ya kan): A Preliminary Study of Mercury Processing According to the Vase of Amṛta of Immortality (’Chi med bdud rtsi bum pa) and its Influence on Tibetan Pharmacological literature (430 kb, pp. 391-419)
author: Carmen Simioli - gNa’ bo’i mon dang mon pa’i rus la dpyad pa (549 kb, pp. 420-450)
author: bsTan ’dzin chos ’phel - Labtse Construction and Differentiation in Rural Amdo (1.5 MB, pp. 451-468)
author: Rahel Tsering - Coming to Terms with Tibet: Scholarly Networks and the Production of the First “Modern” Tibetan Dictionaries (213 kb, pp. 469-489)
author: Markus Viehbeck - Characters in Modern Tibetan Fiction Set in Pre-1950s Central Tibet: Aristocrats, Common Folk and Others (348 kb, pp. 490-513)
author: Riika J. Virtanen - Between Family and Transmission Lineage: Two Historical Works of the rNgog bKa’ brgyud pa (422 kb, pp. 514-532)
author: Marco Walther - Preservation and Continuity: The Ache Lhamo Tradition Inside and Outside the Tibet Autonomous Region (238 kb, pp. 533-549)
author: Daniel Wojahn - Tracing the Chol kha gsum: Reexamining a Sa skya-Yuan Period Administrative Geography (295 kb, pp. 550-567)
author: Eveline Yang - Reorienting the Sacred and Accommodating the Secular: The History of Buddhism in China (rGya nag chos ’byung) (541 kb, pp. 568-590)
author: Fan Zhang - The Wholesome Streams (dGe ba’i chu rgyun): Tshe dbang nor bu’s Treatment of the Chinese Monk’s Simultaneist Approach to Awakening (307 kb, pp. 591-609)
author: Linghui Zhang
Number 36, Octobre 2016
- Full text (4.7 MB)
- Cover, contents (158 kb, pp. i-iv)
- An Indian Classic in 19th-Century Tibet and beyond: Rdza Dpal sprul and the Dissemination of the Bodhi(sattva)caryāvatāra (336 kb, pp. 5-44)
author: Markus Viehbeck - Red Faced Barbarians, Benign Despots and Drunken Masters: Khotan as a Mirror to Tibet (373 kb, pp. 45-68)
author: Sam van Schaik - Women Returning from Death: The Gendered Nature of the Delog Role (336 kb, pp. 69-92)
author: Alyson Prude - In the Bosom of Khotan? A Dialogue between Image and Text (614 kb, pp. 93-119)
author: Yannick Laurent - Tibetans in Wakhan: New Information on Inscriptions and Rock Art (950 kb, pp. 121-141)
author: John Mock - The Nechung Record (1.2 MB, pp. 143-249)
author: Christopher Bell - A review of Nicolas Tournadre, Le Prisme des Langues (545 kb, pp. 251-258)
author: Bai Yunfei - Review of Lopen P. Ogyan Tanzin’s “tshangs-lha-ḥi tshig-mdzod-Tshanglha dictionary” (336 kb, pp. 259-280)
author: Timotheus Adrianus Bodt
Number 35, Avril 2016
- Full text (4.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (167 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Drakngak Lingpa’s Pilgrimage Guides and the Progressive Opening of the Hidden Land of Pemakö (1.1 MB, pp. 5-52)
author: Elizabeth McDougal - Zamthang, epicentre of Zanskar’s rock art heritage (2 MB, pp. 53-105)
author: Martin Vernier - Tibetological Material in the Journal of the West China Border Research Society (123 kb, pp. 107-114)
author: Alex McKay - Side, stench, remnant, plot, oath, and craftiness — the semantic ‘capacity’ of the OT dku (532 kb, pp. 115-167)
author: Joanna Bialek - On some rDzogs chen aspects in a gCod Text from the Bla ma dgongs ’dus, a gTer ma collection discovered by Sangs rgyas gling pa (1341-1396) (336 kb, pp. 169-202)
author: Fabian Sanders & Margherita Pansa - The Lives of Bu ston Rin chen grub and the Date and Sources of His Chos 'byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet (881 kb, pp. 203-308)
author: Leonard van der Kuijp - A Tibetan Grammatical Construction: verb + na go (369 kb, pp. 309-334)
author: Jonathan Silk
Number 34, Décembre 2015
- Full text (2.9 MB)
- Cover, contents (197 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Editorial: Female Specialists between Autonomy and Ambivalence (143 kb, pp. i-viii)
author: Mona Schrempf & Nicola Schneider - Born to Practice: The Sakya Jetsunma Phenomenon (352 kb, pp. 1-20)
author: Elisabeth Benard - Heroic Destinies and Petty Claims: Women and the Transformation of Shamanic Practices in the Hills of Nepal (262 kb, pp. 21-34)
author: Anne de Sales - Female Temple Founders, Ritualists, and Clairvoyants in Post-Socialist Mongolian Buddhism (401 kb, pp. 35-52)
author: Hanna Havnevik - Gender and Medicine in Kham: An Analysis of the Medical Work and Life of Derge Phurpa Dolma (344 kb, pp. 53-77)
author: Theresia Hofer - Relational Autonomy in the Life of a Contemporary Tibetan Ḍākinī (430 kb, pp. 79-113)
author: Sarah Jacoby - Empowering Religious Women Practitioners in Contemporary Bhutan (250 kb, pp. 115-139)
author: Françoise Pommaret - Fieldnotes on my Stay with a Neljom Teacher and her Disciples in Western Bhutan (213 kb, pp. 139-151)
author: Johanna Prien - Caring for Women’s Words and Women’s Bodies. A Field Note on Palmo and her “Demoness Welfare Association for Women” (225 kb, pp. 153-169)
author: Françoise Robin - Self-Representation and Stories Told: the Life and Vicissitudes of Khandro Choechen (356 kb, pp. 171-188)
author: Nicola Schneider - Becoming a Female Ritual Healer in Eastern Bhutan (336 kb, pp. 189-213)
author: Mona Schrempf - Notes on Contributors (82 kb, pp. 215-217)
Number 33, Octobre 2015
- Full text (3.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (197 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo: His Collected Works and the Guru-Deity-Protector Triad (590 kb, pp. 5-72)
author: Joona Repo - The Tibetans in the Making: Barley Cultivation & Cultural Representations (1.1 MB, pp. 73-108)
author: Yannick Laurent - ”Through Whose lens ?”, Notes on Competing Representations of Lurol (410 kb, pp. 109-125)
author: Valentina Punzi - The Discourse of Tibetan Women’s Empowerment Activists (389 kb, pp. 127-153)
author: Hamsa Rajan - Shifting Memories and Changing Allegiances: Tracing the Descendants of the Tibetan Minister mGar through Chinese Funerary Inscriptions (5.9 MB, pp. 155-185)
author: Emanuela Garatti - The rDzogs chen Doctrine of the Three Gnoses (ye shes gsum): An Analysis of Klong chen pa’s Exegesis and His Sources (647 kb, pp. 187-230)
author: Marc-Henri Deroche and Akinori Yasuda - Esquisse phonétique du tibétain de dGonpa: un dialecte parlé à mBrugchu (401 kb, pp. 231-249)
author: Hiroyuki Suzuki
Number 32, Avril 2015
- Full text (21.0 MB)
- Cover, contents (147 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Contribution, Attribution, and Selective Lineal Amnesia in the Case of Mahāyogin dPal dbyangs (764 kb, pp. 1-23)
author: Kammie Takahashi - Reanimating the Great Yogin: On the Composition of the Biographies of the Madman of Tsang (1452-1507) (490 kb, pp. 25-49)
author: David M. DiValerio - The contribution of corpus linguistics to lexicography and the future of Tibetan dictionaries (6.6 MB, pp. 51–86)
author: Edward Garrett, Nathan W. Hill, Adam Kilgarriff, Ravikiran Vadlapudi, Abel Zadoks - Opening the Eyes of Faith: Constructing Tradition in a Sixteenth- Century Catalogue of Tibetan Religious Poetry (5.7 MB, pp. 87-151)
author: Stefan Larsson and Andrew Quintman - Quelques remarques linguistiques sur le tibétain de Lhagang, « l’endroit préféré par le Bodhisattva » (958 kb, pp. 153-175)
author: Hiroyuki SUZUKI and Sonam Wangmo - Book review of Zangdok Palri: The Lotus Light Palace of Guru Rinpoche: Visions of the Buddhist Paradise in the Sacred Kingdom of Bhutan (243 kb, pp. 177–183)
author: Rob Mayer - Book review of L'épopée tibétaine de Gesar. Manuscrit bon-po Fonds A. David-Néel du musée national des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet (136 kb, pp. 185–188)
author: Per Kværne
Number 31, Février 2015 - Papers for Elliot Sperling
- Full text (33.1 MB)
- Cover, contents (1.1 MB, pp. i-vi)
- Editorial (304 kb, pp. vii-ix)
author: Roberto Vitali - Elliot Sperling’s Bibliography (1.1 MB, pp. xi-xvi)
author: Roberto Vitali - The View of sPyi ti Yoga (792 kb, pp. 1-20)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - The First Mongol Contacts with the Tibetans (807 kb, pp. 21-45)
author: Christopher P. Atwood - Dalai Lama’s Representative Agvan Dorjiev and Altaist Professor Władysław Kotwicz: Letters of 1912 (6.5 MB, pp. 47-62)
author: Agata Bareja-Starzyńska - Interpreting the Body Maṇḍala: Tsongkhapa versus Later Gelug Scholars (500 kb, pp. 63-74)
author: Yael Bentor - A General Investigation into the Life of the Tshe smon gling Regent Ngag dbang ‘jam dpal tshul khrims (in Tibetan) (267 kb, pp. 75-93)
author: Be ri ’Jigs med dbang rgyal - Tibetan “Magical Rituals” (las sna tshogs) from the Power of Tsongkhapa (1.4 MB, pp. 95-111)
author: Daniel Berounsky - A Controversy on Vegetarianism (482 kb, pp. 113-127)
author: Katia Buffetrille - Imperial Interest Made Manifest: sGa A gnyan dam pa’s Mahākāla Protector Chapel of the Tre shod Maṇḍala Plain (10.8 MB, pp. 129-166)
author: Karl Debreczeny - Gter-ma as Imperial Treasure: The 1755 Beijing Edition of the Padma bka’ thang (4.6 MB, pp. 167-187)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - Béla Széchenyi’s Amdo Tibetan “Root Words” and the Names of the Tibetan Letters (576 kb, pp. 189-198)
author: György Kara and Marta Kiripolská - On Social Death: The Spang mda’ tsang Family and 20th Century Tibetan History (445 kb, pp. 199-205)
author: Carole McGranahan - How to Address Kings: Buddhist Letters to Indian Rulers (490 kb, pp. 207-215)
author: Richard F. Nance - Understanding Sovereignty in Amdo (2 MB, pp. 217-232)
author: Paul K. Nietupski - The Lhasa Ripper, A Preliminary Investigation into the “Dark Underbelly” of Social Life in the Holy City (6.5 MB, pp. 233-250)
author: Jamyang Norbu - A Research on How the Poet Ksemendra Became a Religious King (in Tibetan) (395 kb, pp. 251-269)
author: dGe ‘dun rab gsal - Primeval Tibetan Medicine (in Tibetan) (283 kb, pp. 271-295)
author: Rag rdo Blo bzang bstan ‘dzin) - Letters to the Khans, Six Tibetan Epistles of Togdugpa Addressed to the Mongol Rulers Hulegu and Khubilai, as well as to the Tibetan Lama Pagpa (669 kb, pp. 297-331)
author: Jampa Samten and Dan Martin - A Document on the Policy on Foreigners in Tibet after the Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1906 (1.7 MB, pp. 333-343)
author: Peter Schwieger - Central Asian Muslims on Tibetan Buddhism, 16th-18th Centuries (488 kb, pp. 345-358)
author: Ron Sela - Ga rgya ‘gram nag: A Bandit or a Proto-Rebel? The Question of Banditry as Social Protest in Nag chu (441 kb, pp. 359-375)
author: Tsering Shakya - The Ro ‘gag lung gshong Battle (in Tibetan) (227 kb, pp. 377-383)
author: Chab mdo Shes rab - Origins of the Middle Way Policy (408 kb, pp. 385-399)
author: Warren Smith - The Function of Auxiliary Verbs in Tibetan Predicates and Their Historical Development (1.3 MB, pp. 401-415)
author: Tsuguhito Takeuchi - A Study on the Historiographical Material Concerning the Kings of sDe dge (in Tibetan) (642 kb, pp. 417-459)
author: Jo sras bKra shis tshe ring - Altan Qaγan (1507-1582) of the Tümed Mongols and the Stag lung Abbot Kun dga’ bkra shis rgyal mtshan (1575-1635) (930 kb, pp. 461-482)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp and Gray Tuttle - The Thirteenth Dalai Lama on Warfare, Weapons, and the Right to Self-Defense (550 kb, pp. 483-509)
author: Federica Venturi - The Book of Names of Nyang stod bla ma-s: Masters and Events of the Years 997-1354 (907 kb, pp. 511-576)
author: Roberto Vitali - Thu’u bkwan’s Literary Adaptations of the Life of Dgongs pa rab gsal (744 kb, pp. 577-591)
author: Nicole Willock - 记埃利亚特·史伯岭 (For Elliot Sperling) (in Chinese) (791 kb, pp. 593-596)
author: 唯色 (Woeser)
Number 30, Octobre 2014
- Full text (2.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (153 kb, pp. i-x)
- The Rimé Activities of Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol (1781-1851) (273 kb, pp. 5-30)
author: Rachel H. Pang - Une pomme turke dans un jardin tibétain ? (210 kb, pp. 31-46)
author: Rémi Dor - The Eighteen Mahāyoga Tantric Cycles: A Real Canon or the Mere Notion of One? (545 kb, pp. 47-110)
author: Orna Almogi - Studies in Btsun pa Ston gzhon’s Pramāṇavārttika Commentary of ?1297 (681 kb, pp. 111-198)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp - The Uncommon History of Markha Chorten, Ladakh (1.4 MB, pp. 190-218)
author: Martin Vernier & Quentin Denvers - Book review of Art of Merit: Studies in Buddhist Art and its Conservation (120 kb, pp. 219-223)
author: Anne Chayet - Book review of Historical dictionary of Tibet (345 kb, pp. 225-246)
author: Bettina Zeisler
Number 29, Avril 2014
- Full text (8.3 MB)
- On the Life of gNubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes (247 kb, pp. 5-27)
author: Dylan Esler - Sikkim and the Sino-Nepalese War of 1788-1792: A Communiqué from Băo tài to the Sikkimese Commander Yug Phyogs thub (669 kb, pp. 29-37)
author: Saul Mullard - A Tibetan Catalogue of the Works of ’Jigs-med gling-pa (330 kb, pp. 39-63)
author: Sam van Schaik - Khri ka'i jo jo lha khang gi byung ba dang gnas bab la rags tsam dpyad pa (509 kb, pp. 65-89)
author: 'Dzoms skyid sgrol ma - Some Tibetan verb forms that violate Dempsey's law (1.9 MB, pp. 91-101)
author: Nathan W. Hill - The Upper Temple of Dangkhar Monastery — Iconographical Capharnaüm or Political Manoeuvre? (1.6 MB, pp. 103-153)
author: Lobsang Nyima Laurent - Straddling the Millennial Divide — A case study of persistence and change in the Tibetan ritual tradition based on the Gnag rabs of Gathang Bumpa and Eternal Bon documents, circa 900–1100 CE (669 kb, pp. 155-243)
author: John Vincent Bellezza - Aspects of the Traditional Gambling known as Sho in Modern Lhasa, Tibet ― religious and gendered worldviews infusing the Tibetan dice game (419 kb, pp. 245-270)
author: Daisuke Murakami
Number 28, Décembre 2013
- Full text (10.6 MB)
- Cover, contents (114 kb, pp. i-x)
- The Rock Art of Upper Tibet and Ladakh: Inner Asian cultural adaptation, regional differentiation and the 'Western Tibetan Plateau Style' (10.5 MB, pp. 5-161)
author: Laurianne Bruneau & John Vincent Bellezza
Number 27, Octobre 2013
- Full text (2.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (145 kb, pp. i-x)
- A Tibetan Toponym from Afghanistan (294 kb, pp. 5-9)
author: John Mock - Darkot Revisited: New Information on a Tibetan Inscription and mchod-rten (641 kb, pp. 11-19)
author: John Mock - The Trapchi Lhamo Cult in Lhasa (335 kb, pp. 21-54)
author: Daisuke Murakami - Mchog gyur gling pa’s Visionary Journey to the Copper-Colored Mountain (236 kb, pp. 55-79)
author: Benjamin Bogin - The Forgotten Citadel of Stok mon mkhar (886 kb, pp. 81-102)
author: Martin Vernier - Le Tantra du Précieux Amoncellement exprimant la Quintessence des Trésors — analyse thématique & édition critique (376 kb, pp. 103-125)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Book review of A Noble Noose of Methods, The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahâyoga Tantra and its Commentary (107 kb, pp. 127-129)
author: Per Kvaerne - Book review of The Black Hat Eccentric: Artistic Visions of the Tenth Karmapa (182 kb, pp. 131-137)
author: Matthew Kapstein
Number 26, Avril 2013
- Full text (2.5 MB)
- Cover, contents (130 kb, pp. i-x)
- The Fifteen Great Demons of Children (296 kb, pp. 5-33)
author: Lin Shen-Yu - The Scrupulous Use of Gifts for the Saṅgha: Self-Ennoblement Through the Ledger in Tibetan Autobiography (238 kb, pp. 35-55)
author: Benjamin Wood - Constructing Images of Gönpo Namgyel: a Hero or a Villain ? (382 kb, pp. 57-91)
author: Yudru Tsomu - Physical, Cultural and Religious Space in A myes Bar dbon. Written and Oral Traditions of a gnas ri in Amdo (501 kb, pp. 93-114)
author: Valentina Punzi - Some Remarks on the Textual Transmission and Text of Bu ston Rin chen grub's Chos 'byung, a Chronicle of Buddhism in India and Tibet (647 kb, pp. 115-193)
author: Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp - lHa bla ma Zhi ba ’od’s Eighth Century Bronze from Gilgit (415 kb, pp. 195-214)
author: Lobsang Nyima Laurent
Number 25, Décembre 2012
- Full text (7.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (473 kb, pp. i-x)
- Self-Immolation in Tibet: Some Reflections on an Unfolding History (1.9 MB, pp. 1-17)
author: Katia Buffetrille - Self Immolation, the Changing Language of Protest in Tibet (539 kb, pp. 19-40)
author: Tsering Shakya - Political Self-Immolation in Tibet: Causes and Influences (513 kb, pp. 41-64)
author: Robert Barnett - Kīrti Monastery of Ngawa: Its History and Recent Situation (819 kb, pp. 65-80)
author: Daniel Berounský - Chinese Policy Towards Tibet versus Tibetan Expectations for Tibet: A Divergence Marked by Self-Immolations (1.2 MB, pp. 81-87)
author: Fabienne Jagou - Conversations and Debates: Chinese and Tibetan Engagement with the Broader Discussion of Self-Immolation in Tibet (482 kb, pp. 89-97)
author: Elliot Sperling - Online Articles on Self-immolation by Tibetans in Exile — A Brief Survey (182 kb, pp. 99-104)
author: Chung Tsering - bTsan byol bod mi'i drwa thog bod yig dpyad rtsom nas rang lus mer bsregs la blta ba (1.9 MB, pp. 105-112)
author: Chung Tshe ring - The Flames of Poetry Spreading From the Fire of Heroes (1.9 MB, pp. 113-122)
author: Noyontsang Lhamokyab - Fire, Flames and Ashes. How Tibetan Poets Talk about Self-Immolations without Talking about Them (344 kb, pp. 123-131)
author: Françoise Robin - Fire and Death in Western Imagination (228 kb, pp. 133-141)
author: Michel Vovelle - Self-Immolation in Context, 1963-2012 (781 kb, pp. 143-150)
author: Michael Biggs - Immolation in a Global Muslim Society Revolt against Authority — Transgression of Strict Religious Laws (248 kb, pp. 151-157)
author: Dominique Avon - Self-Immolations by Kurdish Activists in Turkey and Europe (254 kb, pp. 159-168)
author: Olivier Grojean - The Arab Revolutions and Self-Immolation (252 kb, pp. 169-179)
author: Farhad Khosrokhavar - Self-Immolation by Fire versus Legitimate Violence in the Hindu Context (245 kb, pp. 181-189)
author: Marie Lecomte-Tilouine - Immolations in Japan (322 kb, pp. 191-201)
author: François Macé - Multiple Meanings of Buddhist Self-Immolation in China — A Historical Perspective (237 kb, pp. 203-212)
author: James A. Benn
Number 24, Octobre 2012
- Full text (2.2 MB)
- Dzogchen, Chan and the Question of Influence (359 kb, pp. 5-20)
author: Sam van Schaik - The Mi nub rgyal mtshan Nam mkha' che And the Mahā Ākāśa Kārikās: Origins and Authenticity (606 kb, pp. 21-80)
author: Christopher Wilkinson - The Exposition of Atiyoga in gNubs-chen Sangs-rgyas ye-shes' bSam-gtan mig-sgron (606 kb, pp. 81-136)
author: Dylan Esler - On the Thig le drug pa and the sPyi chings, two of the Thirteen Later Translations of the rDzogs chen Mind Series (490 kb, pp. 137-156)
author: Karen Liljenberg - Five Principles of rDzogs chen Transmission in the Kun byed rgyal po (312 kb, pp. 157-164)
author: Jim Valby - The Nine Cycles of the Hidden, The Nine Mirrors, and Nine Minor Texts on Mind: Early Mind Section Literature in Bon (513 kb, pp. 165-201)
author: Kurt Keutzer
Number 23, Avril 2012
- Full text (2.9 MB)
- Cover, contents (139 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Between History and Biography: Notes on Zhi byed ri pa's Illuminating Lamp of Sun and Moon Beams, a Fourteenth-Century Biographical State of the Field (397 kb, pp. 5-41)
author: Andrew Quintman - Marriage, Kinship, and Inheritance in Zhi byed ri pas Account of Mi la ras pa's Early Life (172 kb, pp. 43-49)
author: Geoff Childs and Andrew Quintman - Clapping hands in sKyid grong? Logical and contextual aspects of a famous debate narrative (1.6 MB, pp. 51-102)
author: Pascale Hugon - A note on the history and future of the 'Wylie' system (131 kb, pp. 103-105)
author: Nathan W. Hill - A propos du terme 'riz' et de l'hypothèse du groupe dialectal de Sems-kyi-nyila en tibétain du Khams (225 kb, pp. 107-115)
author: Hiroyuki Suzuki - 'Light' on the Human Body The Coarse Physical Body and its Functions in the Aural Transmission from Zhang zhung on the Six Lamps (836 kb, pp. 117-168)
author: Henk Blezer - The records of Tshul khrims mchog rgyal on the Black Phur pa cycle of the Tibetan Bon pos (430kb, pp. 169-202)
author: J.F. Marc des Jardins - Edition critique des instructions de Bru rGyal ba g.yung drung sur la pratique de la Claire-Lumière ('od gsal) selon le cycle du Phyag khrid du Zhang zhung snyan rgyud (606 kb, pp. 203-234)
author: Jean-Luc Achard
Number 22, Novembre 2011
- Full text (7.8 MB)
- Cover, contents (193 kb, pp. 1-5)
- Shenrab’s Ancestors and Family Members: Where do they come from? (397 kb, pp. 1-23)
author: Kalsang Gurung - Rnying ma and Gsar ma: First Appearances of the Terms during the Ealry Phyi dar (Later Spread of the Doctrine) (393 kb, pp. 25-46)
author: Kadri Raudsepp - Biographical Sources for Researching the Life of Ngor chen Kun dga’ bzang po (1382-1456) (778 kb, pp. 47-91)
author: Jörg Heimbel - Doxography and philosophy: the usage and significance of school denominations in Red mda’ ba gzhon nu blo gros’ Ornament of the Proofs of Consciousness (475 kb, pp. 93-119)
author: Pierre-Julien Harter - Gorampa Sonam Senge on the Refutation of the Four Extremes (340 kb, pp. 121-137)
author: Constance Kassor - Instructions on the View (lta khrid) of the Two Truths: Prajñāraśmi's (1518-1584) Bden gnyis gsal ba’i sgron me (1518-1584) (893 kb, pp. 139-213)
author: Marc-Henri Deroche - An Entrance to the Practice Lineage as exemplified in Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Commentary on Sa skya Paṇḍita's Sdom gsum rab dbye (516 kb, pp. 215-242)
author: Tomoko Makidono - Nothing to Teach: Patrul’s Peculiar Preaching on Water, Boats and Bodies (573 kb, pp. 243-277)
author: Joshua Schapiro - Kha gya'i sgar rnying dgon gyi lo rgyus dang da lta'i gnas tshul rob tsam gleng ba (438 kb, pp. 279-299)
author: 'Brug mo dkar - Sommaire des précédents numéros (356 kb, pp. 301-311)
Number 21, Octobre 2011
- Full text (4.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (170 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Singing the Nation: Modern Tibetan Music and National Identity (516 kb, pp. 1-29)
author: Lama Jabb - The Alternative to Development on the Tibetan Plateau: Preliminary Research on the Anti-Slaughter Movement (229 kb, pp. 31-43)
author: Gaerrang (Kabzung) - The Third Dragkar Lama: An Important Figure for Female Monasticism in the Beginning of Twentieth Century Kham (290 kb, pp. 45-60)
author: Nicola Schneider - Powerful Women in the History of Degé: Reassessing the Eventful Reign of the Dowager Queen Tsewang Lhamo (d. 1812) (369 kb, pp. 61-81)
author: Jann Ronis - Theorising the King: Implicit and Explicit Sources for the Study of Tibetan Sacred Kingship (377 kb, pp. 83-103)
author: Brandon Dotson - The Early History of Mgar: When History Becomes Legend (324 kb, pp. 105-121)
author: Thomas Kerihuel - Trinkets, Temples, and Treasures: Tibetan Material Culture and the 1904 British Mission to Tibet (631 kb, pp. 123-153)
author: Tim Myatt - The Careers of the Noble Officials of the Ganden Phodrang (1895-1959): Organisation and Hereditary Divisions within the Service of State (406 kb, pp. 155-174)
author: Alice Travers - Bod kyi srol rgyun srid khrims gyi ngo bo dang da snga'i gnas stangs la dpyad nas spyi tshogs bde 'jags la phan nges pa'i don tshan 'ga' la rags tsam gleng ba (561 kb, pp. 175-218)
author: Sonam Tsering - Gzhung sa dga' ldan pho brang gi sa gnas srid 'dzin byang spyi dang byang phyi sde khag gi lo rgyus yig tsahgs la dpyad pa (446 kb, pp. 219-241)
author: Dobis Tsering Gyal - Sommaire des précédents numéros (274 kb, pp. 243-252)
Number 20, Avril 2011
- Full text (6.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (147 kb, pp. 1-4)
- The Liturgies and Oracular Utterances of the Spirit-mediums of Upper Tibet: An Introduction to their bSang Rituals (618 kb, pp. 5-31)
author: John Vincent Bellezza - Reb kong: Religion, History and Identity of a Sino-Tibetan borderland town (504 kb, pp. 33-59)
author: T. Yangdon Dhondup - An Archaeological Account of the Markha Valley, Ladakh (2.9 MB, pp. 61-113)
author: Quentin Devers and Martin Vernier - Alternances entre ḥ et b en tibétain ancien et dans les langues tibétaines modernes (266 kb, pp. 115-122)
author: Nathan W. Hill - Deux remarques supplémentaires à propos du développement du ra-btags en tibétain parlé (324 kb, pp. 123-133)
author: Hiroyuki Suzuki - A Brief Bibliographical Key to Zhang zhung snyan rgyud Editions With Special Attention for Sources on the Early Lineage (905 kb, pp. 135-203)
author: Henk Blezer - The Early Years of Khyung sprul rin po che: Hor (1897-1919) (459 kb, pp. 205-230)
author: Josep Lluís Alay - Sommaire des précédents numéros (217 kb, pp. 231-237)
Number 19, Octobre 2010
- Full text (5.9 MB)
- Cover, contents (127 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Pehar: A Historical Survey (324 kb, pp. 5-26)
author: Lin Shen-Yu - Notes complémentaires sur les verbes à alternance 'dr- / br- en tibétain (139 kb, pp. 27-29)
author: Guillaume Jacques - gShen-rab Myi-bo: His life and times according to Tibet’s earliest literary sources (4.6 MB, pp. 31-118)
author: John Vincent Bellezza - The Forty Magical Letters: A 19th c. AD Manuscript from Hor on Bon po Scripts (430 kb, pp. 119-132)
author: Josep Lluís Alay - Mesmerizing with the Useless? A book-review inquiry into the ability to properly reprint older worthy material (193 kb, pp. 133-143)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Sommaire des anciens numéros (180 kb, pp. 144-150)
Number 18, Avril 2010
- Full text (2.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (147 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Zhangzhung dictionary: Introduction (287 kb, pp. 5-32)
author: Dan Martin - Zhangzhung dictionary (1.6 MB, pp. 33-253)
author: Dan Martin - Sommaire des anciens numéros (176 kb, pp. 254-260)
Number 17, Octobre 2009
- Full text (2.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (139 kb, pp. 1-4)
- Liu Manqing: A Sino-Tibetan Adventurer and the Origin of a
New Sino-Tibetan Dialogue in the 1930s (372 kb, pp. 5-20)
author: Fabienne Jagou - A Preliminary Report on Investigations into (Bon nyid) 'Od gsal and
Zhi khro bar do in Earlier Zhang zhung sNyan rgyud and sNyan rgyud
Literature (618 kb, pp. 21-50)
author: Henk Blezer - On the history and identification of two of the Thirteen Later
Translations of the Dzogchen Mind Series (286 kb, pp. 51-62)
author: Karen Liljenberg - A Handlist of the Bonpo Kangyur and Tengyur (590 kb, pp. 63-128)
author: Kurt Keutzer & Kevin 0'Neill - Sommaire des anciens numéros (198 kb, pp. 129-135)
Cumulative Index, Table des Matières récapitulative, 1 - 15, Août 2009
- Full text (315 kb, pp. 1-62)
Number 16, Avril 2009
- Full text (1.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (144 kb, pp. i-iii)
- Prayer to Ta pi hri tsa: A short exposition of the Base, the Path
and the Fruit in Bon Dzogchen teachings (828 kb, pp. 5-41)
author: Ratka Jurkovic - The First Four Themes of Klong chen pa’s Tshig don bcu gcig pa (508 kb, pp. 43-73)
author: Daniel Scheidegger - Deux remarques à propos du développement du ra-btags en Tibétain parlé (124 kb, pp. 75-82)
author: Hiroyuki Suzuki - Book review of Gray Tuttle, Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China New York,
Columbia University Press (288 kb, pp. 83-94)
author: Fabienne Jagou - Annonces de parution (92 kb, pp. 95-96)
author: Editors - Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines - Déjà parus (196 kb, pp. 97-102)
author: Editors
Number 15, Novembre 2008 - Tibetan Studies in Honour of Samten Karmay, Part II
- Full text (4.0 MB)
- Cover, contents (176 kb, pp. i-iv)
- Préambule (72 kb, p. 198)
author: Anne-Marie Blondeau - Le Réseau des mille dieux-démons: mythes et classifications (708 kb, pp. 199-250)
author: Anne-Marie Blondeau - Les bKa' brgyad - Sources canoniques et tradition de Nyang ral Myi ma 'od zer (444 kb, pp. 251-274)
author: Tenzin Samphel - The Sun of the Heart and the Bai-ro-rgyud-'bum (284 kb, pp. 275-288)
author: Matthew T. Kapstein - Enduring myths: smrang, rabs and ritual in the Dunhuang texts on Padmasambhava (428 kb, pp. 289-312)
author: Cathy Cantwell and Rob Mayer - The Malevolent Spirits of sTang Valley (Bumthang) — A Bhutanese account (304 kb, pp. 313-330)
author: Kunzang Choden - Tuvinian images of demons from Tibet (380 kb, pp. 331-336)
author: Peter Schwieger - The Buddhist princess and the woolly turban: non-Buddhist others in a 15th century biography (328 kb, pp. 337-356)
author: Hildegard Diemberger - The Cult of Radrap (Ra dgra), 'nep' of Wangdue Phodrang (Bhutan) (252 kb, pp. 357-370)
author: Tandin Dorji - mKha' 'gro dbang mo'i rnam thar, The Biography of the gTer ston ma bDe chen chos kyi dbang mo (1868-1927?) (188 kb, pp. 371-378)
author: Donatella Rossi - A tentative classification of the bya ru can kings of Zhang zhung (624 kb, pp. 379-420)
author: Roberto Vitali - sTon pa gShen rab: six Marriages and many more funerals (824 kb, pp. 421-480)
author: Henk Blezer - A nineteenth-century Bonpo pilgrim in Western Tibet and Nepal: Episodes from the life of dKar ru grub dbang bsTan 'dzin rin chen (392 kb, pp. 481-502)
author: Charles Ramble - Le Corps d'Arc-en-Ciel ('ja' lus) de Shardza Rinpoche illustrant la perfection de la Voie rDzogs chen (560 kb, pp. 503-532)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Bonpo Tantrics in Kokonor Area (328 kb, pp. 533-552)
author: Tsering Thar
Number 14, Octobre 2008 - Tibetan Studies in Honour of Samten Karmay, Part I
- Full text (2.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (172 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Préface (130 kb, pp. iii)
author: Françoise Pommaret - How Samten came to Europe (130 kb, pp. 1-6)
author: David Snellgrove - "The Messed Up Books"(Pecha trok wa la). A personal recollection of Samten G. Karmay and the O rgyan chos gling catalogue (Bhutan) (131 kb, pp. 7-12)
author: Françoise Pommaret - Veil of Kashmir -- Poetry of Travel and Travail in Zhangzhungpa's 15th-Century Kavya Reworking of the Biography of the Great Translator Rinchen Zangpo (958-1055 CE) (648 kb, pp. 13-56)
author: Dan Martin - From Red Tally to Yellow Paper -- The official introduction of paper in Tibetan administration in 744/745 (288 kb, pp. 57-70)
author: Helga Uebach - A propos de l'usage des termes "nyin" et "srib" dans le mDo smad chos 'byung (205 kb, pp. 71-80)
author: Anne Chayet - Spelling Mistakes, Philology, and feminist Criticism: Women and Boys in Tibetan Medicine (329 kb, pp. 81-98)
author: Janet Gyatso - A preliminary note to the Gyarong color terms (315 kb, pp. 99-106)
author: Yasuhiko Nagano - Observations on an 11th century Tibetan inscription on a statue of Avalokitésvara (444 kb, pp. 107-116)
author: Amy Heller - Au-delà du débat linguistique : comment définir la littérature tibétaine d'expression chinoise? "Spécificités nationales" et "spécificités regionales" (687 kb, pp. 117-156)
author: Lara Maconi - sMar khams 'bom rnam snang ngam/ lha'dus rnam snang gi skor la cung zad gleng ba (171 kb, pp. 157-195)
author: Tashi Tsering
Number 13, Février 2008
- Full text (7.2 MB)
- Cover, contents (78 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Deux noms tangoutes dans une légende tibétaine (251 kb, pp. 4-10)
author: Guillaume Jacques - Coiffe de pandit (6.9 MB, pp. 11-44)
author: Etienne Bock - Transgressing the Law: Karma, Theft and Its Punishment (940 kb, pp. 45-74)
author: Richard W. Whitecross - L'irruption de la nescience -- la notion d'errance samsarique dans le rDzogs chen (1.1 MB, pp. 75-108)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (164 kb, pp. )
Number 12, Mars 2007
- Full text (7.1 MB)
- Cover, contents (81 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Le nom des naksatrani en tibétain (164 kb, pp. 4-10)
author: Guillaume Jacques - La Roca Blanca de Lhang lhang -- Un santuario en Nyag rong (416 kb, 11-23)
author: Oriol Aguillar - Different Sets of Channels in the Instructions Series of Rdzogs chen (452 kb, pp. 24-38)
author: Daniel Scheiddeger - De la cosmologie tibétaine au mythe de l'Etat -- Historiographie rnyingmapa tamang (Népal) (1.1 MB, 39-70)
author: Brigitte Steinmann - Tamang jatibare sangkshipta sabda citra << Traité sur l'origine de la caste tamang >> (trad. Brigitte Steinmann) (1.0 MB, pp. 71-102)
author: Thubten Gyalcen Lama - Book List of Tibetan History for Tamang Study (62 kb, pp. 103-105)
author: Thubten Gyalcen Lama - The Tibetan Image of Confucius (988 kb, pp. 105-129)
author: Shen-yu Lin - Journal Table of Contents (151 kb, pp. )
Number 11, Juin 2006 - The sGang steng-b rNying ma'i rGyud 'bum manuscript from Bhutan
- Full text (672 kb)
- Cover, contents (82 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Introduction (206 kb, pp. 4-15)
author: Cathy Cantwell & Rob Mayer - The Catalogue section (1.3 MB, pp. 16-141)
author: Cathy Cantwell, Rob Mayer, Michael Kowalewky & Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (87 kb, pp. )
Number 10, Avril 2006
- Full text (1.1 MB)
- Cover, contents (81 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Sadhana della divinità solitaria Yamantaka-Vajrabhairava -- Traduzione e glossario della version cinese di Nenghai (Parte II) (934 kb, pp. 4-43)
author: Ester Bianchi - Some Reflections on the Periodization of Tibetan History (181 kb, pp. 44-55)
author: Bryan Cuevas - Two Proposals for Critically Editing the Texts of the rNying ma'i rGyud 'bum (192 kb, pp. 56-70)
author: Cathy Cantwell & Rob Mayer - Pour servir à la numérisation des manuscrits tibétains de Dunhuang conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale : II. Un fichier de Marcelle Lalou (210 kb, pp. 71-88)
author: Anne Chayet - The Old Tibetan Chronicle -- Chapter I (182 kb, pp. 89-101)
author: Nathan W. Hill - Journal Table of Contents (85 kb, pp. )
Number 9, Décembre 2005
- Full text (382 kb)
- Cover, contents (75 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Pour servir à la numérisation des manuscrits tibétains de Dunhuang conservés à la Bibliothèque Nationale : un fichier de Jacques Bacot et autres documents (825 kb, pp. 4-105)
author: Anne Chayet - Journal Table of Contents (92 kb, pp. )
Number 8, Octobre 2005
- Full text (1092 kb)
- Cover, contents (80 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Sadhana della divinità solitaria Yamantaka-Vajrabhairava -- Traduzione e glossario della version cinese di Nenghai (Parte I) (683 kb, pp. 4-39)
author: Ester Bianchi - Lamps in the Leaping Over (301 kb, pp. 40-64)
author: Daniel Scheiddeger - Los linajes de transmisión de Nyag bla Padma bdud 'dul (222 kb, pp. 65-83)
author: Oriol Aguillar - La première somme philosophique du bouddhisme tibétain. Origines littéraires, philosophiques et mythologiques des "Neuf étatpes de la Voie" (theg pa rim pa dgu) (280 kb, pp. 84-103)
author: Ferran Mestanza - Journal Table of Contents (81 kb, pp. )
Number 7, Avril 2005
- Full text (515 kb)
- Cover, contents (66 kb, pp. 1-3)
- The Earth Ritual : Subjugation and Transformation of the Environment (389 kb, pp. 4-21)
author: Cathy Cantwell - Tagore et le Tibet (280 kb, 22-40)
author: Françoise Robin - Ethnohistoric Notes on the Ancient Tibetan Kingdom of sPo bo and its Influence on the Eastern Himalayas (326 kb, pp. 41-63)
author: Santiago Lazcano - Le mode démergence du Réel -- les manifestations de la Base (gzhi snang) selon les conceptions de la Grande Perfection (411 kb, pp. 64-96)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (74 kb, pp. )
Number 6, Octobre 2004
- Full text (465 kb)
- Cover, contents (83 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Exorcising the Illusion of Bon "Shamans": A Critical Genealogy of Shamanism in Tibetan Religions (670 kb, pp. 4-59)
author: Zeff Bjerken - Rituels aux divinités locales de Kheng 'Bu li (Bhoutan central) (237 kb, pp. 60-77)
author: Françoise Pommaret - Compte rendu de : Paul G. Hackett. A Tibetan Verb Lexicon: Verbs Classes and Syntactic Frames. 2003 (253 kb, pp. 78-98)
author: Nathan Hill - Journal Table of Contents (74 kb, pp. )
Number 5, Avril 2004
- Full text (430 kb)
- Cover, contents (79 kb, pp. 1-3)
- The Lost Paradise of the Tamang shaman - Origins and Fall (262 kb, pp. 4-34)
author: Brigitte Steinmann - A propos d'un premier inventaire des monastères bon po du Tibet et de l'Himalaya. Notes de lecture (284 kb, pp. 35-56)
author: Anne Chayet - bsTan gnyis gling pa (1480-1535) et la Révélation du Yang tig ye shes mthong grol (470 kb, pp. 57-96)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (70 kb, pp. )
Number 4, Octobre 2003
- Full text (595 kb)
- Cover, contents (81 kb, pp. 1-3)
- De l'utilité de l'herméneutique des Tantra bouddhiques à propos d'un exposé de l'appareil des "Sept Ornements" par un doxologue érudit dge lugs pa dBal mang dKon mchog rgyal mtshan (1764-1863) (507 kb, pp. 4-60)
author: Pierre Arènes - Bon Bibliography : An Annotated List of Recent Publications (164 kb, pp. 61-77)
author: Dan Martin - Contribution aux nombrables de la tradition Bon po : L'Appendice de bsTan 'dzin Rin chen rgyal mtshan à la Sphère de Cristal des Dieux et des Démons de Shar rdza rin po che (523 kb, pp. 78-146)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (76 kb, pp. )
Number 3, Juin 2003
- Full text (359 kb)
- Cover, contents (75 kb, pp. 1-3)
- A propos des toponymes de l'épopée de Gesar (313 kb, pp. 4-29)
author: Anne Chayet - La naissance de Lhasin Devge Dolma : une genèse affective du so-cial (208 kb, pp. 30-42)
author: Brigitte Steinmann - Rig 'dzin Tshe dbang mchog grub (1761-1829) et la constitution du rNying ma rgyud 'bum de sDe dge (320 kb, pp. 43-89)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - Journal Table of Contents (51 kb, pp. )
Number 2, Avril 2003 - Numéro spécial Lha srin sde brgyad
- Full text (458 kb)
- Cover, contents (71 kb, pp. 1-3)
- De quelques histoires de klu et de btsan (452 kb, pp. 4-39)
author: Pascale Dollfus - Etres soumis, Etres protecteurs : Padmasambhava et les Huit Catégories de Dieux et Démons au Bhoutan (342 kb, pp. 40-66)
author: Françoise Pommaret - Une note sur l'origine du concept des huit catégories d'esprits (196 kb, pp. 67-80)
author: Samten Karmay - Les Lha srin sde brgyad et le problème de leur catégorisation - Une interprétation (165 kb, pp. 81-91)
author: Brigitte Steinmann - Journal Table of Contents (45 kb, pp. )
Number 1, Octobre 2002
- Full text (524 kb)
- Cover, contents (75 kb, pp. 1-3)
- Herméneutique des Tantra : les "Six extrêmes (ou possibilités alternatives)" (satkoti ; mtha' drug). A propos d'un exemple de prégnance des modèles exégétiques des sûtra (449 kb, pp. 4-43)
author: Pierre Arènes - La Base et ses sept interprétations dans la tradition rDzogs chen (289 kb, pp. 44-60)
author: Jean-Luc Achard - La liste des Tantras du rNying ma'i rgyud 'bum selon l'édition établie par Kun mkhyen 'Jigs med gling pa (347 kb, pp. 62-89)
author: Jean-Luc Achard