Bulletin of Tibetology

The Bulletin of Tibetology is published bi-annually by the Director, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology (www.tibetology.net), Gangtok, Sikkim, India. The Editorial Board for this journal include Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Acharya Samten Gyatso, Saul Mullard, Brigitte Steinmann, Tashi Tsering, Mark Turin, and Roberto Vitali. The editor is Anna Balikci-Denjongpa and the Director of the Institute, Rinpoche Tashi Densapa, acts as an advisor to the journal.

The editorial board welcomes submission of articles on any subject of history, language, art, culture and religion of the people of the Tibetan cultural area, and in particular articles focusing on Sikkim, Bhutan, and the Eastern Himalayas. Articles should be in English or Tibetan, submitted by email or on CD along with a hard copy, and should not exceed 5,000 words in length.

The Digital Himalaya Project has reached an agreement with the Institute to host back issues of the journal. On account of the compression format we have used for the PDF files, we advise that you install the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat which can be downloaded by clicking here. Please send us a short email to say whether this service is of interest and utility to you. Feedback will determine whether we proceed with the digitisation of further volumes.

2023 Volume 54, Number 1

2022 Volume 53, Number 1

2021 Volume 52, Number 1

2015 Volume 51, Numbers 1 & 2

2014 Volume 50, Numbers 1 & 2: Special Issue

2013 Volume 49, Number 1

2012 Volume 48, Number 2

2012 Volume 48, Number 1