Project Team

In April 2024, Digital Himalaya became part of the Archive Nepal family with Archive Nepal team taking over the management and maintenance of the Digital Himalaya website to ensure its continued accessibility.


The original Digital Himalaya Project team had nine core members who worked in a collaborative manner, all contributing their expertise to develop a user-friendly and accessible set of online resources.

The Digital Himalaya Project Advisory Board had an international network of experts who provided the team meaningful help on a regular basis in many different areas. Members did not have voting authority, nor they beared legal fiduciary responsibility. The distinguished members were:

  • General Sir Sam Cowan
  • Richard Feldman
  • Professor Martin Gaenszle
  • Ann Gammie
  • Professor David Germano
  • Mark Goodridge
  • Professor David Holmberg
  • Professor Michael Hutt
  • Professor Kathryn March
  • Christina Monson

Trustees of the Digital Himalaya Project were individuals, organisations or trusts who helped the project realise its fundraising objectives and provided support through their networks and good counsel. Trustees included:

  • The Himalayan Bank Ashoke SJB Rana
  • The Kosciuszko Trust
  • The Brendish Family Foundation
  • Rashmi & Sanjay Shrestha