Alan Macfarlane

Alan Macfarlane in his Cambridge office ...
and in the village of Thak, in central Nepal.
Alan Macfarlane is Professor Emeritus of Anthropological Science and Life Fellow of King's College at the University of Cambridge, UK, and the author of over twenty books.
He has been involved in a number of multimedia projects, including the Naga Videodisc and the BBC Domesday Disc. Digital Himalaya takes these long-standing interests into the digital era. Click here to visit Alan Macfarlane's comprehensive website.
Alan first visited the village of Thak in 1969, staying for 15 months, and along with his wife Sarah he has been returning to Thak annually since 1986. Together they have created the Thak archive, which includes several thousand photographs, over a hundred hours of film and yearly census data, making it one of the richest ethno-historical databanks existing for the Himalayan region.
His published works cover English social history, demography in Nepal and the industrial history of England, China and Japan.