Illustrated Atlas of the Himalaya
An overview of the geography, economics, politics and culture of the region, the Illustrated Atlas of the Himalaya by David Zurick and Julsun Pacheco, is a full-colour, comprehensive atlas of contemporary land and life in the Earth’s highest mountain range. The volume contains a unique collection of informative maps based on state-of-the-art cartography, which the authors have generously allowed Digital Himalaya to host online. We are very grateful to the authors for deciding to distribute a number of these maps for free public download and use. Zurick and Pacheco only request that when they are used, the source be properly credited as the Illustrated Atlas of the Himalaya.
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Illustrated Atlas of the Himalaya: Maps | ||
1-referencelegend | Refence Legend | 45kb |
2-referencegrid2 | Reference Grid | 115kb |
3-himaldistrict | Districts of the Himalayas | 229kb |
4-newregionalicimod0 | New Regional ICIMOD | 479kb |
4A-earth | Earth | 6 MB |
5-abcCOLOR | Overview Colour | 918kb |
6-a1x-new | Western Himalayas | 315kb |
7-b1new328 | Nepal | 266kb |
8-c1-new | Eastern Himalayas | 291kb |
9-kathmanduvalleynew | Kathmandu Valley | 270kb |
9A-kathmandu1 | Kathmandu Roads | 762kb |
10-srinagar2 | Srinagar City | 86kb |
11-kashmir3 | Kashmir Valley | 221kb |
12-pokharavalley | Pokhara Valley | 184kb |
13-pokharacity | Pokhara Town | 115kb |
14-paro2 | Paro Valley | 61kb |
15-thimphu | Thimphu Valley | 57kb |
16-bumthang | Bumthang | 74kb |
17-gangtok | Gangtok | 66kb |
18-shimlacity | Shimla Town | 61kb |
19-dehradun | Dehra Dun Town | 57kb |
20-biratnagar | Biratnagar Town | 139kb |
21-nepalganj | Nepalganj | 102kb |
22-nepal_inset | Nepal | 45kb |
23-geochronology | Continental drift | 442kb |
23A-perspective | Perspective from space | 8 MB |
24-himalayanasa | Himalaya NASA | 807kb |
24A-zanskarladakh2 | Zanskar Range | 135kb |
25-everprofile | Everest Profile | 70kb |
26-convergence | Convergence | 299kb |
27-generalizedgeology | Generalized Geology | 426kb |
28-geolkashmirvalley | Geology of the Kashmir Valley | 156kb |
29-kumaun | Kumaun | 270kb |
30-nepalgeolx | Nepal Geology | 102kb |
31-geobhutan | Geology of Bhutan | 168kb |
32-meantemp | Mean Temperature | 98kb |
33-hkhclimate | HKH Climate | 143kb |
34-ladakhwinter | Ladakh Winter Precipitation | 143kb |
35-ladakhMONSOON | Ladakh Monsoon Precipitation | 147kb |
36-WINTERprecipwest1 | Western Himalayan Winter Precipitation | 119kb |
37-MONSOONprecipwest | Western Himalayan Monsoon Precipitation | 119kb |
38-nepaltemp | Temperature | 823kb |
39-nepalhumidity | Humidity | 66kb |
40-summermonsoon | Summer Monsoon | 37kb |
41-monsooncirculation | Monsoon Circulation | 86kb |
42-meanannualrainfall | Mean Annual Rainfall | 82kb |
43-NEPALMANN | Nepal annual precipitation | 147kb |
44-PMEXT | Nepal extreme precipitation | 147kb |
45-PMMON | Nepal monsoon precipitation | 156kb |
46-annualprecip | Annual Precipitation | 487kb |
47-BHUTANPRECIP | Bhutan Precipitation | 57kb |
48-probabilistic2 | Probability of Seismic Hazard | 197kb |
49-nepalseismicrisk | Seismic Risk | 373kb |
50-geolscanepicenter | Earthquake Epicenters | 741kb |
51-earthquakerupture | Earthquake Rupture | 270kb |
52-pokhazard | Subsidence hazard | 147kb |
52A-SOILerosivity | Soil Erosivity | 119kb |
53-culturalregion | Cultural Regions | 70kb |
54-traderoute_color | Trade Route | 233kb |
54B-liquifaction | Liquifaction | 2.3 MB |
55-popdens_color | Population Density | 365kb |
56-popchg_color | Population Change | 205kb |
57-nepalethnicgroups | Ethnic Groups | 332kb |
57A-ethnicgroup | Ethnic Groups 2 | 2 MB |
58-nepallinguistic | Linguistic Map | 295kb |
59-nepalhindu3 | Hindu Population | 651kb |
60-nepalmuslim2 | Muslim Population | 680kb |
61-nepalbuddhist2 | Buddhist Population | 623kb |
62-tribalpop | Tribal Population | 225kb |
63-urbanpop | Urban Population | 225kb |
64-town_india | Number of Towns | 147kb |
65-northeasttown | Northeast Towns | 49kb |
66-roads_color | Roads | 119kb |
67-nepal_road | Roads in Nepal | 115kb |
68-nepalairport1 | Airports | 197kb |
69-bhutantelephone | Bhutan Telephone | 37kb |
70-perlandlessfarmhousehold | Farm Households | 254kb |
71-bhutaneducfacility | Bhutan Education Facilities | 135kb |
71A-literacyrate | Literacy Rate | 123kb |
72-accesspotablewater | Water Access | 627kb |
73-waterqualitykv | Water Quality | 168kb |
74-bhutanhealthfacilities | Bhutan Health Facilities | 98kb |
75-landscape_color | Landscape | 127kb |
76-elevationzone | Elevation | 156kb |
77-hkh_LANDUSe | Land Use | 164kb |
78-hkh_soilfinal | Soil | 217kb |
79-hkh_cropsys | Crop System | 123kb |
80-popfarm_color | Farming Population | 197kb |
81-farmchgcolor | Farming Changes | 188kb |
82-cultivatedarea | Cultivated Areas | 631kb |
83-percentirrigatedarea | Irrigated Areas | 623kb |
84-percentslope | Slope Percentage | 635kb |
85-useofchemfert | Use of Fertiliser | 655kb |
86-grassland | Grassland | 573kb |
87-forestcov_col | Forests | 82kb |
88-percapitaforestarea | Forest Area Per Capita | 365kb |
89-forestchange_terai | Forest Change | 541kb |
90-popforest_col | Forest Population | 188kb |
91-forestchgcolor | Forest Change | 184kb |
92-bhutanfw | Bhutan fuelwood deficits | 57kb |
93-NEP_MINERALDEPOSIT | Mineral Deposit | 250kb |
94-BHU_MINERALDEPOSIT | Mineral Deposit 2 | 111kb |
95-rivers_col | Rivers | 78kb |
96-river_inset | Rivers Inset | 164kb |
97-kosi_river | Kosi River | 106kb |
98-nepdam | Dams | 172kb |
99-nepal_glacier_2f | Glaciers | 934kb |
99A-nepalhydropower | Hydro Power | 213kb |
100-bhutanglaciers | Bhutan Glaciers | 750kb |
101-chitwan-rhinohabitat | Rhino Habitat | 217kb |
102-chitwanpopdensity | Chitwan Population Density | 49kb |
103-parks_col | Parks | 123kb |
104-PROTECT | Parks and Reserves | 221kb |
105-bhutanprotectedareas | Bhutan Protection Areas | 102kb |
106-terai_arc | Protected Areas | 70kb |
107-hinduplaces | Hindu Places | 164kb |
108-chardham | Chardham | 221kb |
109-muktinath | Muktinath | 168kb |
110-explorationchinese | Chinese Exploration | 172kb |
111-explorationEuropeans | European Exploration | 233kb |
112-ROUTEEASTCENTRAL | East Central Route | 287kb |
113-EXPLROUTEWESTHIMAL | West Himalayan Route | 229kb |
114-nativeindiantibet | Indians in Tibet | 180kb |
115-newjohnclaude | Bhutan | 160kb |
116-asia-early-explorer | Asia Early Exploration | 213kb |
117-srtm-nangaparbat | Nangaparbat | 193kb |
118-k2strmbase2 | K2 Base | 156kb |
119-srtm-mteverest1 | Mt Everest | 135kb |
120-srtm-chooyu2 | Chooyu 2 | 98kb |
121-srtm-MAKALU | Makalu | 90kb |
122-explo-anapor-treknasa | Annapurna Trek / NASA Exploration | 250kb |
123-mteverest-trek2 | Mt Everest Trek 2 | 160kb |
124-TREKKINGlocator | Trekking Locator | 238kb |