(updated 29 June, 2022)
We provide here a short list of high quality websites relevant to Digital Himalaya, in the categories of Anthropology, Himalayan/Tibetan/Central Asian Area Studies, and Digitisation of Cultural Resources. We have focused on sites that act as gateways to further resources, and those that use digital technologies and interactive strategies to develop and provide content in unique ways. We are always happy to hear of new sites in these areas and will consider adding them to the list, please email us if you would like to recommend a site to be added. We cannot guarantee the reliability or consistency of the following links, although we do try and keep this page up to date.
Anthropology Resources for Teaching (DART)
This project aims to develop new digitized resources for the teaching of anthropology and to bring about meaningful and sustainable transformation of undergraduate education and professional practices in the field.
Years in the Turkish Village
Online database of a longitudinal study in a Turkish village, including fieldnotes and photographs.
Seeks to provide innovative Web resources and services to the anthropological
community and general public.
Centre for Social Anthropology
and Computing
Based at the University of Kent at Canterbury, encourages and supports work
at the intersection of these fields.
An innovative project using new technologies to track long-term social change
in various communities around the world.
Organisation, Economy, and Development
One Ph.D. student's experiment with authoring an interactive, 'open' doctoral dissertation
online, with thought-provoking results.
Social and Cultural Anthropology
A listing of anthropological resources on the Web.
Himalayan/Tibetan/Central Asian Area Studies
Aienla Project is a rotating photographic and artifact exhibition representing
the tribal peoples of northeast India, including some of the ethnic groups
represented on the Naga Videodisc.
Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS)
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS), formerly the Nepal Studies Association (NSA) joins people with wide-ranging interests in the Himalayan region, adjacent highland areas and the Tarai.
Britain-Nepal Academic Council
The objective of the Council is to promote academic and scholarly links between Britain and Nepal through, inter alia, collaborative research, exchange programmes and organisation of annual lectures, and seminars on areas of mutual interest to both British and Nepalese academics and researchers.
Born to be a Butcher?
A study of social mobility and symbolic struggles of low castes in the Kathmandu Valley by Benedicte Lie, submitted as a Master's thesis to the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen in 1999.
Buddhist Art News
This website gathers news items, reviews, resources, and sites related to Buddhist art, archaeology and architecture.
Core of Culture Dance Preservation
A non-profit organization committed to safeguarding Intangible World Heritage with an emphasis on ancient dance and endangered movement traditions in the healing, meditation and martial arts. Core of Culture initiates, supports and documents projects to enhance the appreciation and preservation of these rare forms of movement.
Documents on the History of Religion and Law of Pre-modern Nepal
The digital infrastructure of the project, named “Documenta Nepalica”, consists of two interrelated parts: “Catalogue” and “Editions”. The former aims at bringing together information about published and unpublished historical documents from Nepal, while the latter is the platform for digital (XML) editions of documents selected from the catalogue. Once an edition exists, links will guide the user from the search list and the catalogue entry to the respective XML edition.
Dr Pasang Yonten Arya's Tibetan Medicine Site
Pasang Yonten Arya Tendi Sherpa's website is an informative and educational
site dedicated to the transmission of the Tibetan culture's world heritage
to the West.
Epic Nepal
The research programme "Epic Nepal: language and oral literature of western Nepal" is centered on a corpus of recorded materials, beginning with recordings made in 1969 by two French scholars, the anthropologist Marc Gaborieau and the ethnomusicologist Mireille Helffer.
Himalaya, the Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies
This journal has two central functions: to review scholarship, research, and
other information of interest to members and other Himalayanists; and, to
promote understanding and appreciation of the region through the publication
and support of original research and other important work.
A free refereed web journal and archive devoted to the study of the languages of the Himalayas.
Homeland Afghanistan
An Asia Society website that explores the geopolitical and cultural heritage of Afghanistan and compels new thinking about the region today.
Archive of Buddhist and Related Art
Extensive digital archive including images and teaching resources.
ICIMOD Books Online
This website provides direct access to all ICIMOD technical and scientific publications.
The Institute of Tibetan Classics
The Institute is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of classical Tibetan thought and culture.
International Dunhuang Project
Gives access to information on over 20,000 manuscripts and printed documents
from Central Asia in the British Library collection. It also includes high
quality colour images of manuscript fragments, with more images being added
every week.
International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH
Founded in 1976 by a group of scholars, the main aim of the IITBS is scientific reseach on Tibet and Buddhism and the publication of scientific results on these subjects. Since its foundation, the association has published the result of its research programmes in more than sixty publications.
Latse Contemporary Tibetan
Cultural Library
A project of Trace Foundation, the library is a forum of open inquiry for
all audiences interested in Tibetan culture.
A Temple Village in the Nepal Himalaya
This page is dedicated to a small village in the Yolmo (or Helambu) Valley
in the mountains north of Kathmandu.
Nepal Journals Online
Nepal Journals OnLine (NepJOL) is a service to provide access to Nepalese published research, and increase worldwide knowledge of indigenous scholarship.
Nepali Memory Project
The Nepali Memory Project attempts to dig up, contextualize and archive old photographs from family albums and collections to allow them to represent Nepalis as a people, with an interesting and diverse past.
Archived articles on Nepal and the Himalayas, and a well-managed portal to
various sites of interest on Nepal and the Himalayas.
The Nicholas J. Allen Archive
Allen's audio collection consists of 9 reel to reel tapes that were all recorded in the Himalayas between 1970 and 1971. The collection includes extended recordings of several different festivals and ceremonies, epic and myth recitals, and examples of several different instruments including a jew's harp, flutes and oboes.
Oral History Collection of the Centre of South Asian Studies
The Centre of South Asian Studies at the University of Cammbridge has a large collection of oral history and other sound recordings, which we are currently in the process of digitising with the help of a grant from the AHRC.
A non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the fragile Himalayan environment and bringing together scientists, social activists, and common people to save the Himalayas.
Resources from the Fieldwork of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf
The notes and documents presented here are centered around Fürer-Haimendorf's interest in the Sherpas of Nepal. Providing insight into the production of field data—the building blocks of the ethnographic endeavor—these paradigmatic excerpts from the work of an early master of the fieldwork tradition are worthy of study by anthropologists and students of anthropology in general, as well as by those with a particular interest in cultures of South Asia.
Flora of Nepal
The Flora of Nepal website provides accurate and reliable information about
the great diversity of plants found in the Kingdom of Nepal.
Tharchin Collection
Columbia University Libraries has placed a new digital library of 97 issues of the Tibet Mirror (Tib. Yul phyogs so so'i gsar 'gyur me long) online for scholars to consult and study. The digitized newspapers date from 1933 to 1961, and offer a total of 844 scanned pages drawn from the rich collections of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library.
Tibet Album
The Tibet Album presents more than 6000 photographs spanning 30 years of Tibet's history. These extraordinary photographs are a unique record of people long gone and places changed beyond all recognition. They also document the ways that British visitors encountered Tibet and Tibetans.
Tibet - American Geographical Society (AGS) Library
The digital collection presents historical maps and images of Tibet from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library. The collection includes a set of early photographs of central Tibet and Lhasa as well as images from Harrison Forman's expeditions to northern Tibet between 1932 and 1937.
Tibet Archaeology
The website of John Vincent Bellezza, a specialist in the cultural history of Upper Tibet.
Tibet Heritage
A non-profit organization registered in Berlin with international members
and supporters, is committed to the preservation and advancement of Tibetan Cultural
Heritage, and the promoting of international understanding and co-operation.
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL)
A publisher of websites, information services, and networking facilities relating to the Tibetan plateau and southern Himalayan regions.
Buddhist Resource Center
A project to preserve, acquire, and make available the literary heritage
of Tibetan Buddhism, using sophisticated technologies to make it readily accessible
throughout the world.
Buddhist Wall Paintings of Mustang, Nepal
A photographic survey of the wall paintings of three gompas or monastery-temples of Mustang, an ethnically and culturally Tibetan district in northwestern Nepal, on the edge of the Tibetan plateau.
Tibetan Paintings:
the art of the Thangde Gatsal Studio
The online home and gallery of the Thangde Gatsal
Studio, a school in Dharamsala, India that teaches the art of Tibetan thangka
Studies WWW Virtual Library
A portal to Tibetan Studies resources on the Web.
Tibetan Writing Course
Designed by Mark Turin and Palden Oshoe, it
offers an interactive way of learning the standard block print Tibetan script.
The course is hosted on the Language Resource Centre website at Cornell University.
Tribal Transitions
A collaborative project between the School of Oriental and African Studies, the British Museum, Arunachal University, the Government of Arunachal Pradesh, the Centre for Cultural Research and Documentation in Arunachal Pradesh and the British Council in New Delhi.
Digitisation of Cultural Resources
British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC)
Promoting moving images for teaching and research in higher and further education.
Bibliography of Asian Studies
The online version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS), referencing
principally western-language articles and book chapters on all parts of Asia
published since 1971, is available via library subscription.
Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI)
An international, interdisciplinary project to develop standards for linking
datasets containing cultural information.
Endangered Alphabets
The Endangered Alphabets Project, which consists of an exhibition of fourteen carvings and a book, is the first-ever attempt to bring attention to the issue of orthographical endangerment.
Higher Education Digitisation
Service (HEDS)
A not-for-profit organisation which is based at the University of Hertfordshire which provides advice and consultancy with a total management package for a complete digitisation service.
JISC Digital Media
Formerly TASI, JISC Digital Media exists to help the UK’s FE and HE communities embrace and maximise the use of digital media - and to achieve solutions that are innovative, practical and cost effective.
Pangloss Collection
Maintained by the Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale research
unit at the CNRS in Paris, this site offers searchable databases of linguistic
documents, including data from several ethnic languages of Nepal. It also
provides detailed information about the technological strategies employed.
Open Video Project
A shared digital video repository and test collection intended to meet the
needs of researchers in a wide variety of areas related to digital video.