European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
The European
Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR) was founded by the late Richard
Burghart in 1991 and has appeared twice yearly ever since. It is edited on a
rotating basis between France (CNRS),
Germany (South Asia
Institute) and the United Kingdom (SOAS).
From 2019 to 2023, the EBHR is hosted at the Centre for Himalayan Studies at CNRS in France.
Tristan Bruslé (CNRS), Stéphane Gros (CNRS), Philippe Ramirez (CNRS)
Associate editor:
Arik Moran (University of Haifa), Book reviews editor
Bernadette Sellers (CNRS)
The EBHR publishes in English with the aim of reaching a large audience around the world. The subjects covered by the journal range from geography and economics to anthropology, sociology, philology, history, art history, archaeology, and history of religions. This multidisciplinarity has so far defined the journal in its mission to be a publication outlet for Himalayan studies at large, across areas of specialty within the field of human and social sciences.
In terms of geographical scope, the journal has published material that covers the Himalayas within a broad definition and not limited to the geological region, but taken to include the Karakorum, Hindukush, Ladakh, southern Tibet, Kashmir, north-west India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and north-east India.
Publishing with and reading the EBHR is free of charge and all journal content is licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. We are now publishing open access and online exclusively on the OpenEdition Journals platform. General information about the EBHR, submission formats, and instructions for authors can be found on the journal's website
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- Full Download (34.3 MB)
- Cover, contents (664 kb)
- Introduction (504 kb)
author: Marie Lecomte-Tilouine - A Letter to the Editors (1 MB)
author: Niels Gutschow - Corneille Jest, Ethnologist and Photographer (1.1 MB)
author: P. Dollfus, J.-D. Lajoux, M. Leomte-Tilouine, G. Toffin - Corneille Jest's Works Including Photos (565 MB)
author: Pierrette Massonnet - Sarki Man's Recollections of Corneille Jest as Recounted to Bernadette Vasseux (311 kb)
author: Bernadette Vasseux - Traditional Dinner Set of the Newar (188 kb)
author: Sushila Manandhar - Acrobatics and Stilts in Old Kathmandu City (397 kb)
author: Gérard Toffin - Memories of the Gaine (393 kb)
author: Mireille Helffer - Salut l'Artiste! On Musical Teaching (299 kb)
author: Franck Bernede - The Buddha of Bangemura Tol (246 kb)
author: Gilles Beguin - Mao as a Muse (225 kb)
author: Philippe Ramirez - The King, the Drongo and Goma (430 kb)
author: Marie Lecomte-Tilouine - The Timekeeper (315 kb)
author: Olivia Aubroit - The Hat and the Hunt (385 kb)
author: Gisele Krauskopff - Souvenirs from the Field (979 kb)
author: Andrew Manzardo - Horse Trading in Tibet, Nepal and India (1956-1959) (324 kb)
author: Philippe Sagant - Nepalese Traders in Lhasa (557 kb)
author: Lucette Boulnois - The World in a Bowl of Urine (848 kb)
author: Fernand Meyer - The Route to Hell (328 kb)
author: Katia Buffetrille - The Epic of a Photograph (336 kb)
author: Pascale Dollfus - The Origin of Our Belief:How the Ismailiya Came to Ghojal in Hunza (557 kb)
author: Hermann Kreutzmann - 'A Journey Towards Palpa', 1922-1932/1997 (3.1 MB)
author: Joelle Smadja - The Use of Diachronic Set of Photographs in Geomorphology (1.4 MB)
author: Monique Fort - Orthophoto Time Series for Environmental Studies in the Kathmandu Valley (1.4 MB)
author: Robert Kostka and Viktor Kaufmann - Photographic Consumption in Kathmandu, c.1863-1960 (3.7 MB)
author: Pratyoush Onta - Some Notes on the Introductions of Photography in Nepal (684 kb)
author: Krishna Rimal - The Sannyasi Monasteries of Patan: A Brief Survey (2.5 MB)
author: Véronique Bouillier - Simarekha, A Historial Borderline? (3 MB)
author: Anne De Sales - Chickenshit & Ash - A Visit to Paradise (885 kb)
author: Gabriele Tautscher - A. Proksch (ed.): Images of a Century: The Changing Townscapes of the Kathmandu Valley (373 kb)
author: David N. Gellner - S. von der Heide (ed.): Changing Faces of Nepal (307 kb)
author: Gérard Toffin - Reflected Pictures, Vistual Anthropology of Nepal at the Voelkerkundemuseum in Zuerich (4.2 MB)
author: Majan Garlinski - Photographic Archives in Paris and London (1.4 MB)
author: Pascale Dollfuss - Dissertation Abstract: An Economy of Merit: Women and Buddhist Monasticism in Zangskar, Northwest India (397 kb)
author: Kim Gutschow - Conference Report: Representation of the Self and Representation of the Other in the Himalayas: Space, History, Culture. Meudon, CNRS, 25-26 September 1998 (397 kb)
author: Pascale Dollfus and Marie Lecomte-Tilouine - Notes on Contributors (168 kb)
- Back cover (37 kb)
- Full Download (10.4 MB)
- Cover, contents (427 kb)
- Stepping onto the Public Arena Western Social Anthropology on Development Processes in Nepal (4.07 MB)
author: Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka - Nepalese Archives of the Department of Ethnomusicology in the Museé de l'Homme (Paris, 1960-1975) (313 kb)
author: Mireille Helffer and Anne de Sales - Economic Development, Participation, and Decentralization in Nepal (754 kb)
author: Bruno Knall - European Researchers Affiliated with Tribhuvan University (640 kb)
author: Mangala Shrestha - Sāmkalin Sāhitya and the Democraticisation in Nepali Literature (750 kb)
author: Michael Hutt - Reflections of a Plant-hunter in Nepal: An Interview with Dr. Tirtha Bahadur Shrestha (1.51 MB)
author: Charles Ramble - Geomorphological Studies in the Bagmati Valley, South of Kathmandu (667 kb)
author: Robert Kostka - The Ruins of an Early Gurung Settlement (1.16 MB)
author: Mark Temple - An Investigations of the Intensity of Weathering of Soils Developed from Glacial and Glaciofluvial Deposits and their Relationship to the Glacial History of Central and Eastern Nepal (1.44 MB)
author: Martina Kemp, Annegret Siebert, Rupert Bäumler, Wolfgang Zech, and Helmut Heuberger - The Problem of National Identity of Ethnic Groups and National Integration.April 15-16,1993 in Kathmandu (1.10 MB)
author: Martin Gaenszle - The Himalayan Forum at the London School of Oriental & African Studies, Spring Term, 1993 (1.10 MB)
author: Michael Hutt - Himalaya-talenproject 'Himalayan Language Project' Rijksuniversiteit Leiden (1.10 MB)
author: George van Driem - Bhutan: A Traditional Order and the Forces of Change, School of Oriental and African Studies, 22-23 March 1993 (1.10 MB)
author: Michael Hutt - 14th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal (524 kb)
author: Manfred G. Treu - Building the Bridges to the Third World: Toni Hagen's Memories of Nepal (524 kb)
author: Susanne von der Heide - Notes on Contributors (152 kb)