European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
The European
Bulletin of Himalayan Research (EBHR) was founded by the late Richard
Burghart in 1991 and has appeared twice yearly ever since. It is edited on a
rotating basis between France (CNRS),
Germany (South Asia
Institute) and the United Kingdom (SOAS).
From 2019 to 2023, the EBHR is hosted at the Centre for Himalayan Studies at CNRS in France.
Tristan Bruslé (CNRS), Stéphane Gros (CNRS), Philippe Ramirez (CNRS)
Associate editor:
Arik Moran (University of Haifa), Book reviews editor
Bernadette Sellers (CNRS)
The EBHR publishes in English with the aim of reaching a large audience around the world. The subjects covered by the journal range from geography and economics to anthropology, sociology, philology, history, art history, archaeology, and history of religions. This multidisciplinarity has so far defined the journal in its mission to be a publication outlet for Himalayan studies at large, across areas of specialty within the field of human and social sciences.
In terms of geographical scope, the journal has published material that covers the Himalayas within a broad definition and not limited to the geological region, but taken to include the Karakorum, Hindukush, Ladakh, southern Tibet, Kashmir, north-west India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and north-east India.
Publishing with and reading the EBHR is free of charge and all journal content is licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. We are now publishing open access and online exclusively on the OpenEdition Journals platform. General information about the EBHR, submission formats, and instructions for authors can be found on the journal's website
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- Full Download (3.1 MB)
- Cover, contents (186 kb)
- Editorial (106 kb)
- Himalayan Flutes, Sprites and Mountainous Geographies (205 kb)
author: Andrew Alter - The Monarch's Gift: Critical Notes on the Constitutional Process in Bhutan (205 kb)
author: Winnie Bothe - From Sentries to Skilled Migrants: The Transitory Residence of the Nepali Community in Singapore (614 kb)
author: Hema Kiruppalini - On the Historiography of Nepal: The 'Wright' Chronicle Reconsidered (1.8 MB)
author: Manik Bajracharya and Axel Michaels - Workshop on 'Authoritative Speech in the Himalayan Region' Organized by Marie Lecomte-Tilouine and Anne de Sales, Paris, 26-27 November 2011 (147 kb)
author: Anne de Sales - The 10th BNAC Nepal Study Day (287 kb)
author: Krishna Adhikari - The Creation of Public Meaning During Nepal's Democratic Transition: Report on Two Workshops (127 kb)
author: Michael Hutt and Pratyoush Onta - The State of Religion in a Non-Religious State: Discourses and Practices in the Secular Republic of Nepal, 7-8 July 2012, Oxford (131 kb)
author: Chiara Letizia - 'Nepalis in Diaspora', 9-10 July 2012, University of Oxford (123 kb)
author: David Gellner - Augusto Gansser: 'Baba Himalaya' [28 October 1910 - 9 January 2012] (135 kb)
author: Roger Croston - Tilak Ranjan Bera and Omar Abdullah: Ladakh. A Glimpse of the Roof of the World (152 kb)
author: John Bray - Todd T. Lewis and Subarna Man Tuladhar: Sugata Saurabha. An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha by Chittadhar Hɾ̣daya (213 kb)
author: Ingemar Grandin - Gwendolyn Hyslop, Stephen Morey and Mark W. Post (eds.): North East Indian Linguistics, Volume 3 (180 kb)
author: Nathan W. Hill - John Bray and Elena de Rossi Filibeck (eds.): Mountains, Monasteries and Mosques. Recent Research on Ladakh and the Western Himalaya. Proceedings of the 13th Colloquium of the International Association of Ladakh Studies (131 kb)
author: Patrick Kaplanian - William S. Sax: God of Justice, Ritual Healing and Social Justice in the Central Himalayas (123 kb)
author: Arik Moran - J. Mark Baker: The Kuhls of Kangra: Community-Managed Irrigation in the Western Himalaya. (111 kb)
author: Charu Singh - From Buddhisagar Chapain's Karnali Blues (143 kb)
author: none - Notes on Contributors (143 kb)