Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology
Conceived, edited and published by Tribhuvan University's Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology series dates back to 1987. Eleven volumes have been published to date, and Digital Himalaya is delighted to host the back issues of this important journal on social science in Nepal.
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- Cover and Contents (145 kb)
- EDITORIAL: Observations On The Changing Societal Mosaic Of Nepal (62 kb, i-iii)
author: Ram Bahadur Chhetri and Laya Prasad Uprety - Sociology In Nepal: Underdevelopment Admist Growth (62 kb, 1-45)
author: Chaitanya Mishra - The Decade Of Violent Destabilisation in Nepal: An Analysis Of Its Historical Background And Trajectory (2.1 MB, 46-106)
author: Tone Bleie - Border Town In The Tarai: Sites Of Migration (321 kb, 107-123)
author: Sondra L Hausner - Outcastes In An 'Egalitarian' Society: Tamang/Blacksmith Relations From Tamang Prespective (292 kb, 124-140)
author: David Holmberg - All In The Family: Money, Kinship, And Theravada Monasticism In Nepal (545 kb, 1
author: David N. Gellner and Sarah LeVine - History And Significance Of National Development Service (NDS): Creating 'Civic Space' And Committment To Service In Nepal During The 1970s (540 kb, 174-207)
author: Don Messerschmidt, Gautam Yadama, and Bhuvan Silwal