Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology
Conceived, edited and published by Tribhuvan University's Central Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology series dates back to 1987. Eleven volumes have been published to date, and Digital Himalaya is delighted to host the back issues of this important journal on social science in Nepal.
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- Cover and Contents (476 kb)
- Introduction (516 kb, 1-3)
author: R.R. Regmi, Stephen L. Mikesell - Sociology And Anthropology: An Emerging Field Of In Nepal (1.8 MB, 4-12)
author: Om Gurung - The Past And Future Of Sociology In Nepal (1.9 MB, 13-23)
author: Bishnu Bhandari - Some Sociological Reflections On Development In The Eastern Himalayas (1.6 MB, 24-31)
author: Gopal Singh Nepali - Economic Modernization In A Chepang Village In Nepal (1.3 MB, 32-39)
author: Ganesh Man Gurung - Culture And Resource Management For Subsistence: An Anthropological Perpective (1.4 MB, 40-47)
author: Bhanu Timseena - A Socioeconomic Profile Of The Porters In The Central Mid-Hills Of Nepal (1.9 MB, 48-58)
author: Kiran Dutta Upadhyay - Employment, Working Cinditions And Mode Of Living: The Case Of Nepali Watchmen In Bombay (1.7 MB, 59-66)
author: Phanindreshwar Paudel - Television And The Child In Nepal: An Assessment Of Viewing Patterns (2.1 MB, 67-76)
author: Dyuti Baral - Mercantilism And Domestic Industry In West-Central Nepal: Significance For Anthropological Study Of The Community (2.6 MB, 77-89)
author: Stephen L. Mikesell, Jamuna Shrestha - Contributors (424 kb, 90-92)